Ollscoil Mhá Nuad agus Ionad an Léinn Forbartha Chamaí ag comhoibriú ar chláir chéime agus fochéime nua
Tá léiriú intinne sínithe ag Ollscoil Mhá Nuad agus ag Ionad an Léinn Forbartha Chamaí a chuireann lena gcomhpháirtíocht agus cuirfear cláir fochéime breise agus cláir iarchéime nua ar fáil dá bharr.
Chomh maith leis sin, forbróidh an chomhpháirtíocht neartaithe deiseanna nua do chomhthaighde agus do chláir forbartha gairmiúla. Cuireann sé le rath an chomhoibrithe idir na hinstitiúidí le cúpla bliain anuas.
Dúirt an tOllamh Aidan Mulkeen, Leasuachtarán do Chúrsaí Acadúla, Cláraitheoir agus Uachtarán Ionaid, go bhfuil tiomantas láidir ag Ollscoil Mhá Nuad don staidéar ar cheisteanna sóisialta: “Is í an aidhm atá againn go mbeadh saineolas domhain ar a n-ábhair ag céimithe faoin am a fhágann siad Ollscoil Mhá Nuad agus go mbeadh tuairimí cothroma agus eolacha acu ar na ceisteanna móra a sheasann roimh an tsochaí. Mar thoradh ar an gcomhoibriú seo, tá fáil ag ár mic léinn ar an saineolas agus ar an eolas atá bailithe ag Ionad an Léinn Forbartha Chamaí le 40 bliain anuas, eolas a thugann léargais agus dearcthaí uathúla dóibh ar cheisteanna casta domhanda agus daonna.”
Dúirt Fintan Farrelly, Cathaoirleach Ionad an Léinn Forbartha Chamaí: “Mar cheann de na hionaid do staidéar forbartha is sine in Éirinn, cuireann Ionad an Léinn Forbartha Chamaí go leor taithí agus go leor saineolais leis an gníomhaíocht seo. Tugann ár gcomhoibriú ag leibhéal fochéime deis uathúil do mhic léinn dul i ngleic le ceisteanna a bhaineann le bochtanas domhanda agus le forbairt domhanda agus iad i mbun staidéir ar ábhair ealaíon eile.
“Tá sceitimíní orainn faoi na féidearthachtaí a chuirfidh an curaclam fochéime nua atá á forbairt in Ollscoil Mhá Nuad ar fáil. Beidh an deis ag mic léinn disciplíní ó na heolaíochtaí sóisialta agus/ nó teangacha a chomhcheangal le staidéar forbartha – comhcheangail atá uathúil i gcomhthéacs na nInstitiúidí Tríú Leibhéal in Éirinn.”
Díríonn an comhoibriú acadúil idir Ollscoil Mhá Nuad agus Ionad an Léinn Forbartha Chamaí ar chúrsaí d’ardchaighdeán a chur ar fáil do mhic léinn fochéime agus iarchéime. Beidh réimsí a bhfuil spéis acadúil ag an dá institiúid iontu, tionscadail thaighde, foilseacháin, agus cláir forbartha gairmiúla san áireamh, mar chuid den chomhoibriú.
Tá tuilleadh eolais ar fáil anseo.
Maynooth University and Kimmage Development Studies Centre collaborate on new undergraduate and post-graduate programmes
Maynooth University and Kimmage Development Studies Centre have signed a statement of intent that extends their partnership to include additional undergraduate programmes and new postgraduate programmes.
Building on the success of collaborative work between the two institutions over the last few years, the strengthened partnership also will develop new opportunities for shared research and professional development programmes.
Professor Aidan Mulkeen, Deputy President and Vice-President Academic of Maynooth University, said the University has a strong commitment to the study of social issues: “We want our graduates to emerge from Maynooth with deep specialist knowledge of their subjects, and with balanced and informed views on the important questions facing society. This collaboration allows our students to access the expertise and knowledge harnessed in the Kimmage Development Studies Centre over the last 40 years, giving them unique insights and perspectives on complex global and human issues.”
Fintan Farrelly, Chair of Kimmage Development Studies Centre (DSC), said: “As Ireland's oldest centre for development studies, Kimmage DSC brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this engagement. Our collaboration at undergraduate level offers students a unique opportunity to engage with issues related to global poverty and development while also studying other arts subjects.
“We are excited by the possibilities offered by the new undergraduate curriculum being developed at Maynooth, where students can combine social science disciplines and/or languages with development studies—combinations that are unique in the Irish third level context.”
The academic collaboration between Maynooth University and Kimmage DSC is centred on the provision of high quality courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students. The collaboration will extend to other areas of mutual academic interest, such as research projects, publications, and professional development programmes.
Further information is available here.