London event to mark the permanent abolition of the death penalty for murder in Britain

Tuesday, January 21, 2020 - 10:15

Dr. Lynsey Black recently participated in a roundtable event to mark the 50th anniversary of the permanent abolition of the death penalty for murder in Britain. The event was organised as part of the ongoing project 'Reforming British Law and Policy on the Global Death Penalty', a British Academy funded project (IC3\100170)(led Dr Lizzie Seal (University of Sussex), Dr Bharat Malkani (Cardiff University), Dr Florence Seemungal (University of the West Indies) and Dr Roger Ball (University of Sussex)). The event brought together academics, NGOs, legal practitioners, and Members of Parliament and the House of Lords who have an interest in the global abolition of the death penalty. The Roundtable was funded by the University of Sussex with support from the Death Penalty Project and Simons, Muirhead & Burton LLP who hosted the event.