Conference: Reading Beauty in Late Antiquity

Friday, November 26, 2021 - 10:00 to 18:00
MS Teams (Online)

Conference Programme
Department of Ancient Classics, Maynooth University, 26 November 2021 (MS Teams)

Time Event Speaker University
10.00-10.15 Welcome & Introduction Cosetta Cadau  
10.15-11.00 Keynote lectureRepresentation and aesthetic evaluation of the barbarian body in Late ancient literature Valerio Neri                            Università di Bologna
11.00-11.30 Kind eyes and pretty feet: evolving evaluation criteria in Late Antique epic beauty contests Cosetta Cadau Maynooth University
11.30-11.50 Break    
11.50-12.20 Look at this (fe)male: descriptive strategies for naked bodies in the Dionysiaca of Nonnus of Panopolis Laura Miguélez Cavero Universidad Complutense de Madrid
12.20-12.50 Paulus Silentiarius Between Painting and Poetry Stamatia Dova Hellenic College, Brookline (MA)
12.50-2.00 Lunch    
2.00-2.30 Pagan Bodies of the Figurative Kind Finding Their Place in a Christian World Paula James The Open University
2.30-3.00 Whose Pleasure Should It Be? Some Observations on M. Valerius’ privata voluptas Giovanni Trovato Università di Genova
3.00-3.30 Beauty and Art in Plotinus Andrew Smith University College Dublin
3.30-3.40 Break    
3.40-4.10 In the image of God and as a metaphor of the church: the human body in conciliar documents of the Christological controversy Luise Marion Frenkel University of São Paulo
4.10-4.40 The seeming beauty of Justinian and Theodora Gioia Soldi Università di Bologna
4.40-5.10 Concluding Remarks Round Table  

For Registration, please email [email protected].

For the Conference Programme and Abstracts of all papers, please visit the Department of Ancient Classics at Maynooth University here.