Advanced Challenges in Theory and Practice in 3D Modeling of Cultural Heritage Sites, UCLA, 20-23 June

Tuesday, June 14, 2016 - 12:45

Conference Presentation by Costas Papadopoulos, UCLA 20-23 June 2016 'Advanced Challenges in Theory and Practice in 3D Modeling of Cultural Heritage Sites'

Phygital Augmentations of History in the Classroom: The Battle of Mount Street Bridge

This paper will present the Mixed Reality Battle of Mount Street Bridge project currently being developed in An Foras Feasa that employs emerging technologies to create a new paradigm for digitally aided hands-on interactions in the classroom that will enhance history learning and teaching. It focuses on the creation of physical and digital engagements with the Battle for transition year students by using replicas of objects (photographs, letters, state records etc.) as well as 3D printed buildings of the battlefield that trigger multimedia content on mobile devices. Following an iterative process of design and evaluation, the project will develop a handling box to be posted to schools in Ireland that will include the materials for the physical and digital interactions as well as lesson plans that will help teachers to effectively use this resource in the classroom.
This paper will present the concepts behind using emerging technologies in classroom for teaching history, our storytelling approach to design both the physical material and digital interactions, as well as preliminary results from the first focus group with second level teachers that informed our decision-making process regarding technical elements as well as the structuring of content. The presentation will conclude by arguing that Mixed Reality approaches that enable phygital interactions with historic and heritage datasets provide an innovative way of multimodal interaction, emphasising the production of knowledge and the augmentation of understanding within physical space.

To join the symposium or discussion feeds by meeting number, use the following links:
The meeting numbers are as follows:
Monday, June 20 (Symposium Day #1) :: ZOOM meeting ID# 641 231 3750
Tuesday, June 21 (Symposium Day #2) :: ZOOM meeting ID# 641 231 3750
Wednesday, June 22 (Discussion Sessions Day #1) :: WebEx meeting ID# 198 179 112
Thursday, June 23 (Discussion Sessions Day #2) :: WebEx meeting ID# 195 682 023