New issue of international law journal edited by John Reynolds

Friday, December 17, 2021 - 09:30

The second issue of the Third World Approaches to International Law Review (TWAIL Review) journal, co-edited by Dr. John Reynolds and supported by Maynooth University Department of Law, has recently been published. The issue opens with an article by UN Special Rapporteur on Racism, E. Tendayi Achiume, and Tamara Last on decolonial approaches to migration in southern Africa. It then features a piece by Fernanda Frizzo Bragato & Alex Sandro da Silveira Filho on the colonial logics that limit transnational corporate accountability, followed by Dorothy Makaza-Goede's critical analysis of compliance and immunity in international criminal law. The remainder of this Issue is made up of a special feature on ‘The League of Nations Decentred’, introduced by Kathryn Greenman & Ntina Tzouvala, and including articles from Paola Zichi on feminisms and transnationalism in Mandatory Palestine, Sophie Rigney on Indigenous international law at the League of Nations, Shaimaa Abdelkarim on recognition and identity deformations in Egypt, Parvathi Menon on the political economy of protection and subjection in the Iraqi Mandate, and Ryan Martínez Mitchell on regional contestations in the space of Asia within the League’s international legal order.
Further details are available here and the full issue is available free and open access here.