We are very pleased to announce the Twentieth Annual Historic Irish Houses Conference which will take place from 9-10 May 2022 in Renehan Hall, St Patrick's House, South Campus, Maynooth University.
The theme will explore the intellectual world of the country house: country houses are masterpieces of material culture, they are triumphs of architecture, fine and decorative art, and landscape design, but they are also about the history and transmission of ideas.
Tickets for the conference can be purchased at the following website: 20th Annual Historic Houses Conference - N.U.I. Maynooth (maynoothuniversity.ie)
Those who would like to attend the proceedings but might be unable to do so in-person are also welcome to join us virtually. We will be streaming the conference on Zoom and you can obtain your virtual ticket via the above website. More information about the programme of events can be found here
CSHIHE 20th annual conference