Geography: Dr Sarah Bell Seminar Weathering the Body

Dr Sarah Bell
Thursday, April 12, 2018 - 16:00 to 17:30
Rocque Lab, Rhetoric House

Maynooth University Department of Geography invites you to attend a seminar by Dr Sarah Bell, Exeter University.

Weathering the body: nature, health and wellbeing in the context of life with sight impairment
​Dr Sarah Bell is a Research Fellow at the University of Exeter, whose research focuses on the complex intersections between human health, wellbeing and the interlinked physical, social and cultural environments encountered through the life course. Sarah’s work is underpinned by a passion for qualitative methodological development, designing sensitive approaches that promote critical awareness of alternative ways of embodying, experiencing and interpreting diverse everyday geographies.
  Geography: Dr Sarah Bell Seminar Weathering the Body
