Office of the Information Commissioner
The role of the Information Commissioner is to review, on application, decisions made under FOI and, where necessary, to make new decisions that are binding. The Information Commissioner also assesses the operation of the Act and publishes reviews of its practical application. This site includes speeches and publications relating to FOI and an index to decisions by name, date, case number and relevant section of the Act.
Freedom of Information, overseen by the Department of Public Expenditure & Reform
The Department of Public Expenditure & Reform has legislative responsibility for implementing FOI. The Unit in the department with administrative responsibility for FOI is the Central Policy Unit. This site includes Central Policy Unit notices, which are guidelines and clarifications issued in response to issues that have arisen since the Act was first implemented in 1998, press releases about FOI, and a list of government departments and Public Bodies covered by the Act.
The Data Protection Commission
The Data Protection Commission (DPC) is the national independent authority responsible for upholding the fundamental right of individuals in the EU to have their personal data protected. The DPC is the Irish supervisory authority for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and also has functions and powers related to other important regulatory frameworks including the Irish ePrivacy Regulations (2011) and the EU Directive known as the Law Enforcement Directive.
Maynooth University Data Protection Office