Introduction to the Freedom of Information Act 2014

The main objective of the Freedom of Information Act is to foster and develop a culture of openness, transparency and accountability in Public Bodies. The Act confers three legal rights on individuals:

  • The right to obtain information held by the University.
  • The right to obtain reasons for decisions affecting oneself.
  • The right to have official information relating to oneself amended where it is incorrect, incomplete or misleading.

The University's obligations

The Act is designed to provide a right of access to information held by Public Bodies to the greatest extent possible. However, the Act, by making certain exemptions, seeks to achieve a balance between the right of access on the one hand, and on the other, the right to privacy and in some cases the public interest in maintaining confidentiality.

Under the Act, the University is legally obliged to publish detailed information regarding all aspects of its activities. It is also obliged to establish mechanisms for handling Freedom of Information requests and to assist individuals in doing so.

The Freedom of Information Act impacts to some extent on many aspects of University life.

The Freedom of Information Officer

The Freedom of Information Officer is responsible for ensuring that the University meets its legal obligations under the Act, and assists students, staff and the general public in exercising their rights under the Act.

You can contact the Freedom of Information Office at [email protected]. We will be glad to answer any questions you may have or discuss any issues that may arise as a result of the implementation of the Freedom of Information Act.