Maynooth University Access Programme

MAP Lodge
North Campus
Maynooth University
Co. Kildare
W23 F2K8

Tel: +353-1-708-4600

E-mail: [email protected]

Twitter: @MU_MAP

Instagram: @MAP_MU

Office Hours:

Monday- Friday 9.00am to 1pm, 2pm to 5pm

Meet our team


MAP Lodge with flag

Driving Directions:

If driving, take the entrance on the North Campus and follow the one-way system clockwise around the university until you reach car park 9 on the left. The Access Office is located at the end of the laneway on the right opposite Car Park 9.

Please note that parking restrictions are in place and if you are visiting the campus, you may need to use the Pay and Display parking area. Further information is available from the Traffic Management website.

MAP Lodge can be located by searching for MAP on this online Campus Map.