Turn to Teaching aims to promote diversity in the teaching profession through a series of social-justice orientated widening participation initiatives.

Applications are now closed for the Turn to Teaching; Think About Teaching Foundation Certificate 2024 - 2025. If you have any questions regarding an application please email [email protected] 

The Turn to Teaching programme has done more for me than I could have imagined.  Not only have we learned about teaching, but we have also learned about humanity and how to treat people, how to examine social constructs and the true impact and importance of appreciating diversity - valuing difference rather than tolerating and merely accepting difference. (TtT student)

The Think About Teaching Level 6 Foundation Certificate is a one year, university course for people who have an interest in primary teaching as a career path. University are now accepting applications for the Turn to Teaching Foundation Certificate for the 2024 – 2025 academic year.

Turn to Teaching students will study 5 modules over the course of the year that will prepare them for the next step towards a career in primary teaching and joining the Froebel Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programme in Maynooth University. These 5 modules are:

-English (competency and academic writing)                

-Maths (focus on primary teaching)

-Irish (Tar Linn ag Teagasc Irish curriculum)                

-Think About Teaching

-Introduction to University

The Turn to Teaching programme is funded by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and is a collaborative initiative that is supported by the Department of Adult and Community Education, Froebel Department of Primary and Early Childhood Education, MU Department of Education, Maynooth Access Programme, Lárionad na Gaeilge, Department of Applied Social Studies, and Maynooth University Admissions Office.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Think About Teaching Foundation Certificate:

Who is the Foundation Certificate aimed at?
The Foundation Cert is for young adults and/or mature students who have always wanted to become a teacher, but because of family, life, social and/or personal reasons were not able to pursue their dream through traditional education routes. In particular, the course is for students from particular groups that are currently under-represented in teaching:

- Irish Travellers
- Mature Students
- Students from diverse ethnicities
- Students with a disability
- Migrants
- Lone parents
- Students on a vocational or applied leaving cert track or youth reach
- Students progressing from Further Education courses
- Students who are, or were, in the care of the State
- Individuals who would be the first in their family to attend university
- Individuals who belong to groups that are under-represented in higher education based on their own occupation or employment status of their parents/guardians
- Individuals from DEIS schools with persistently low rates of progression to Higher EducationIndividuals coming from areas of deep or concentrated economic disadvantage

What are the entry requirements?
You must belong to one of the groups listed in the response to the previous question. Applicants must have had some Irish language experience prior to application- this will be individually assessed upon application. Although there are no formal entry requirements, you need to be aware that the programme is a Level 6 course (the Leaving Cert is Level 5). 

What is the time commitment?
The Foundation Certificate is a one-year full-time course and runs from September to May. For this college year (Sept 2023 to May 2024) the classes were every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, with classes starting at 10am and finishing at either 3pm or 4pm. However this may change for the forthcoming academic year, it is a good indication of the time commitment that will be required.

Will I study on the university campus?
Yes, all your classes will be on campus in Maynooth.
Will I get a student card?
Yes.  Like every other student at Maynooth University, you will get a student card and have access to the same range of services, supports, clubs and societies.

What does the course cost?
The course is free.
Am I eligible for SUSI?
The course is not currently covered by the SUSI scheme.   However, we do work with students on a case-by-case basis around any financial issues and day to day costs.

What kind of supports are available?
Maynooth University has a wide range of supports to help all students make most of their time at college.   We work very closely with the Maynooth Access Programme (MAP) who are committed to enhancing access to, and through, university for all members of Irish society.    Some of their work helps in supporting applicants into university and a lot more in supporting students when they are at Maynooth.    You can read more about the work and supports of MAP here:  

You can read more about the more general kind of supports that are offered for Maynooth students at the Student Services here

What is the selection process?
We review all applications and then write and tell you if you have been shortlisted for an interview.  If you are called to interview, we will explore your motivation to become a teacher. We anticipate that interviews will take place in July 2024.   We will inform all interviewees of the outcome of the interview process in July.

Do I need a reference letter?
All applications must be accompanied with at least one referee. Please ensure that your referee completes the TtT reference form before Thursday the 27th of June. You can download the referee form HERE
How do I find out more about the Foundation Course?
For further information, you can also contact the team by email on [email protected]