Student Numbers


16,110 Students
1,770 Taught Postgraduates
605 Research Postgraduates
Our students study with us from over 120 countries

Maynooth University is the national leader in university participation with highest proportions among universities in Ireland of  Access students

Student Demographics


15% Postgraduate
9% Flexible Learners (Part-time)


Staff Numbers


821 Teaching and research staff (from over 40 countries)
570 Administrative, professional and technical staff


Gender Pay Gap Reporting in Ireland

All higher education institutions in Ireland are required to report under the Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021 which came into operation on 31 May 2022 (see the Irish Statute Book for more information.
Our Gender Pay Gap reports are located here along with information on our actions to address differences.


Ranked top among Irish Universities

Maynooth University in top 90 global Times Higher Education Young University Rankings 2024. This success follows on from Maynooth’s strong performances in other THE rankings, including being named among the top 500 universities in the world.


Over 70,000 alumni across the globe.

Library Collection

The University Library provides access to over 850,000 ebooks, 95,000 ejournals, 300 databases and over 460,000 print publications