Extending the planar theory of anyons to quantum wire networks

Wednesday, April 5, 2023 - 15:00 to 16:00
CB2, Callan Building, North Campus

Guest Speaker: Aaron Conlon, Dept of Theoretical Physics / DIAS


Exchanging particles on graphs, or more concretely on networks of quantum wires, has been proposed as a means to perform fault-tolerant quantum computation.
This was inspired by the braiding of anyons in planar systems.  
For anyons in the plane, there is an algebraic framework given by unitary braided tensor categories.
This naturally incorporates the fusion of topological charge and braid statistics.
The braiding statistics are constrained through the hexagon equations, which enforce the compatibility of braiding and fusion.
However, the exchange statistics of particles on a graph are not governed by the usual braid group but instead by a graph braid group, which depends on the graph.

In arxiv:2202.08207 and arxiv:2301.06590,  we propose an algebraic model for anyon like excitations on graphs, analogous to their planar counterpart.

By imposing the compatibility of graph braiding with fusion of topological charges, we obtain generalised hexagon equations and further consistency equations, which depend on the graph in question.
We find the usual planar anyon solutions but also more general braid actions.

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