It is St Brigid's Day on the 1st of February and February 5th marks the second bank holiday honouring this important figure. In recognition of the celebration we are showcasing last year's exhibition through a virtual tour, drawing from the collections held between St. Patricks and Maynooth University.
Items selected from the historic collections of the Russell Library and the Special Collections in the John Paul II Library celebrate the life of St. Brigid and her legacy.
Materials displayed relate to her life, locations related to her history and her cultural impact. Some of the most significant on the subject of St. Brigid in our collection include Lives of the Irish saints : with special festivals, and the commemorations of holy persons, compiled from calendars, martyrologies, and various sources, relating to the ancient church history of Ireland by John O’Hanlon and Florilegium insulae sanctorum by Thomas Messingham.
View the exhibition HERE
There are many more events scheduled to mark this festival and you can see the full programme of what is happening near you here - https://brigid1500.ie/ or follow the #Brigid1500 on social media.