Professor Michael Doherty and Dr. David Mangan of the School of Law and Criminology are delighted to host a seminar to discuss, ‘The Role of Industrial Relations in the Aviation Industry’. This is part of the EU Commission and Varieties of Industrial Relations in Aviation Lockdown (‘VIRAL’) project.
We will be joined by three speakers; Dr. Izabela Florczak (Uniwersytet Łódzki) who will present her paper on, "Weak Links In The Polish Aviation Value Chain", Professor John Geary (UCD) will present his paper on, "Securing Collective Representation In Non-Union European Multinational Companies: The Case of Ryanair Pilots' (Partial) Success", and Dr. Darragh Golden (UCD) will discuss, "Transnational Activisim: Obstacles and Opportunities".
This event will take place online via Zoom. You can register for the event via the following link:
https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpf-qrqD0tH9CCApqLqyT0jMXgKAaspYq8 or log in via Zoom with the following credentials:
Meeting ID: 814 8336 6754
Passcode: 228508
All are welcome to this event and we look forward to seeing you there!