Let’s Talk About Obesity: Defeating Stigma With Science’ an invite from The Kathleen Lonsdale Institute

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 18:30
Lecture Theatre 2, Technology Society and Innovation (TSI) Building, North campus, Maynooth University.

The Kathleen Lonsdale Institute for Human Health Research at Maynooth University invites you to a public conversation on:

‘Let’s Talk About Obesity: Defeating Stigma With Science’
What is science telling us about obesity? Is obesity a disease? How to address Weight Stigma in society? What are the treatment options for obesity?
For discussion of these and other questions join Prof Paul Moynagh (Director of the Kathleen Lonsdale Institute for Human Health Research) in conversation with:

  • Prof Donal O’Shea (Consultant Endocrinologist and HSE National Lead for Obesity)
  • Prof Helen Heneghan (Consultant Metabolic Surgeon and UCD Professor of Surgery)
  • Ms Maura Murphy (Secretary of Irish Coalition for People Living with Obesity (ICPO))
  • Dr Andrew Hogan (Associate Professor Maynooth University) 

If you would like to attend the event please complete the form at the following link 
Let's Talk About Obesity: Defeating Stigma With Science (Geckoform) by Friday 4th November. 
The event will be followed by a short reception.
For any enquires please contact Dr Nezira Delagic ([email protected]).