Award-winning Irish poet Martin Dyar and composer Ryan Molloy have joined forces over the past year to create 'Buaine na Gaoithe', a stunning and original song cycle for soprano, flute and harp. This work explores five of Dyar’s texts which examine cyclical themes of landscape, nature, maternity, light, life, death, and the voice – its power to reveal the deepest of insights and equally its ability to transcend both the body and time itself. American soprano and contemporary music specialist Liz Pearse and renowned Swiss performers Lindsay Buffington (harp) and Chelsea Czuchra (flute) present the premiere of this work on their Irish tour, alongside rarely heard works by Crumb, Mamlok and Zohn-Muldoon. This concert will be a garden of sonic and literary delights not to be missed!
Public welcome to attend.
Buaine ne Gaoithe, Ryan Molloy and Martin Dyar, for flute, voice and harp, 25’
Songs from Comala, Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon, for flute, voice and harp, 5’
Selections from Der Andreas Garten, Ursula Mamlok, for flute, voice and harp, 7’
Selections from Federico’s Little Songs for Children, George Crumb, for flute, voice and harp, 12’