Dr Conor Cahalane

Geography, National Centre for Geocomputation (NCG), Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI), ICARUS


Rhetoric House
2nd Floor
(01) 708 3748


Dr Conor Cahalane is a Lecturer in Remote Sensing at the Department of Geography, Maynooth University. His background is in Geomatics, Applied Computing and Geocomputation. Conor employs satellite, airborne and UAV remotely sensed data for coastal management, environmental protection, engineering works, forestry surveys and precision agriculture. Conor is the lead on the highly successful, national STEM outreach programme 5*S: Space, Surveyors and Students (https://5sdiscover.maynoothuniversity.ie/and is the current Secretary General for the European Spatial Data Research Group (EuroSDR - https://www.eurosdr.net/). Nationally he collaborates with the Society of Chartered Surveyors promoting RS and EO in the Geomatics community in Ireland.

Research Interests

My interests encompass both land and marine - ranging from passive and active remote sensing technologies including multispectral, hyperspectral, thermal, LiDAR and SAR. I utilise data from satellite, airborne, unmanned platforms and terrestrial platforms and combine this data with other spatial data-sets for additional contextual information. Fusing data from multiple sensors on a single platform is a major focus of our research.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Essel, B.; Bolger, M.; McDonald, J.; Cahalane, C. (2024) 'ADGEO: A new shore-based approach to improving spatial accuracy when mapping water bodies using low-cost drones'. Photogrammetric Record, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Brown, S.; Küçük, Z.D.; Rickard, A.; Lonergan, J.; Abernethy, R.; McNerney, L.; McNerney, E.; Foley, R.; Behan, A.; Byrne, A.; Essel, B.; Ffrench, J.; Faull, J.; Cahalane, C. (2023) 'The role of teacher agency in using GIS to teach sustainability: an evaluation of a lower secondary school story mapping GIS initiative in Ireland'. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, . [Link] [DOI]
2023 McNerney, E.; Faull, J.; Brown, S.; McNerney, L.; Foley, R.; Lonergan, J.; Rickard, A.; Doganca Kucuk, Z.; Behan, A.; Essel, B.; Mensah, I.O.; Castillo Campo, Y.; Cullen, H.; Ffrench, J.; Abernethy, R.; Cleary, P.; Byrne, A.; Cahalane, C. (2023) 'SatelliteSkill5—An Augmented Reality Educational Experience Teaching Remote Sensing through the UN Sustainable Development Goals'. Remote Sensing, 15 . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Casal G.; Hedley J.D.; Monteys X.; Harris P.; Cahalane C.; McCarthy T. (2020) 'Satellite-derived bathymetry in optically complex waters using a model inversion approach and Sentinel-2 data'. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 241 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Rob O’Hara, Stuart Green, Tim McCarthy, Conor Cahalane, Owen Fenton, Pat Tuohy (2020) 'Identifying artificially drained pasture soils using machine learning and Earth observation imagery'. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 14 (3):1-16. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Cahalane C, Monteys X, Magee A, Hanafin J, Harris P, McCarthy T (2020) 'Studying Submarine Geomorphology in an INFOMAR Priority Bay through the application of Remote Sensing Techniques'. Irish Geography, 53 (1):43-57. [Link] http://dx.doi.org/10.2014/igj.v53i1.1410
2020 Suo C.; McGovern E.; Gilmer A.; Cahalane C. (2020) 'A comparison of high-end methods for topographic modelling of a coastal dune complex'. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 24 (4). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Casal, G; Harris, P; Monteys, X; Hedley, J; Cahalane, C; McCarthy, T (2019) 'Understanding satellite-derived bathymetry using Sentinel 2 imagery and spatial prediction models'. GIScience and Remote Sensing, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Cahalane C.; Magee A.; Monteys X.; Casal G.; Hanafin J.; Harris P. (2019) 'A comparison of Landsat 8, RapidEye and Pleiades products for improving empirical predictions of satellite-derived bathymetry'. Remote Sensing of Environment, 233 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Kumar P.; Lewis P.; Cahalane C.; Peters S. (2019) 'Spatially optimised retrieval of 3D point cloud data from a geospatial database for road median extraction'. Journal of Spatial Science, . [DOI]
2018 Casal G.; Monteys X.; Hedley J.; Harris P.; Cahalane C.; McCarthy T. (2018) 'Assessment of empirical algorithms for bathymetry extraction using Sentinel-2 data'. International Journal for Remote Sensing, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Pforte, L; Brundson, C; Cahalane, C; Charlton, M (2017) 'Data imputation in a short-run space-time series: A Bayesian approach'. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, . https://doi.org/10.1177/0265813516688688 [Full-Text]
2017 Cahalane, C; Walsh, D.; Magee, A.; Mannion, S.; Lewis, P.; McCarthy, T (2017) 'Sensor Pods: Multi-Resolution Surveys from a Light Aircraft'. Inventions, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 McCaul M.; Barland J.; Cleary J.; Cahalane C.; McCarthy T.; Diamond D. (2016) 'Combining remote temperature sensing with in-situ sensing to track marine/freshwater mixing dynamics'. Sensors, 16 (9). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Cahalane C.; Lewis P.; McElhinney C.; McNerney E.; McCarthy T. (2016) 'Improving MMS performance during infrastructure surveys through geometry aided design'. Infrastructures, 1 (1). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Cahalane C. (2015) 'Combining 2D mapping and low density elevation data in a GIS for GNSS shadow prediction'. Isprs International Journal Of Geo-Information, 4 (4):2769-2791. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Monteys, X; Harris, P; Caloca, S; Cahalane, C (2015) 'Spatial Prediction of Coastal Bathymetry Based on Multispectral Satellite Imagery and Multibeam Data'. Remote Sensing, 7 :13782-13806. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Cahalane, C; Lewis, P; McElhinney, CP; McCarthy, T (2015) 'Optimising Mobile Mapping System Laser Scanner Orientation'. Isprs International Journal Of Geo-Information, 4 :302-319. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Cahalane, C; McElhinney, CP; Lewis, P; McCarthy, T (2014) 'MIMIC: An Innovative Methodology for Determining Mobile Laser Scanning System Point Density'. Remote Sensing, 6 :7857-7877. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Cahalane, C; McElhinney, CP; Lewis, P; McCarthy, T (2014) 'Calculation of Target-Specific Point Distribution for 2D Mobile Laser Scanners'. Sensors, 14 :9471-9488. [DOI] [Full-Text]

Other Journal

Year Publication
2021 Lonergan, J., Behan, A., McNerney, L., Croasdell, A., McNerney, E., Rickard, A. and Cahalane, C (2021) 'Discovering Space' Surveyors Journal, 10 (4) :28-29. [Link]
2020 Rickard, A., Behan, A., Lonergan, J., McNerney, L., Rickard, A., Croasdell, A., McNerney, E. and Cahalane, C (2020) '5*S: Space, Surveyors, Students: STEM and the Sustainable Development Goals' ETBI Journal of Education, 2 (1) :9-14. [Link]
2020 Cahalane, C., Behan, A., Lonergan, J., McNerney, L., Rickard, A., Croasdell, A. and McNerney, E. (2020) 'Space, Surveyors and Students' Surveyors Journal, 10 (1) :26-27. [Link]
2016 Cahalane, C., McGovern, E. and Behan, A. (2016) 'A flood of images' Surveyors Journal, .
2016 Cahalane, C., Hanafin, J., Monteys, X. (2016) 'Improving Satellite Derived Bathymetry' Hydro International, . [Link] [Full-Text]
2016 Cahalane, C., McGovern, E. and Behan, A. (2016) 'Mapping Floods from Space' arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.07899, . [Full-Text]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2024 Obour, M.I.; Brian, B.; Conor, C. (2024) Evaluating the Influence of Global Digital Elevation Models (DEMS) for Sentinel-1 Radiometric Terrain Correction (RTC) for Tropical Forest Measurements in Google Earth Engine [Link] [DOI]
2024 Obour, M.I.; Brian, B.; Conor, C. (2024) Towards Analysis Ready Data (ARD): Assessing Sentinel-1 Backscatter Data Suitability for Detecting Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) Induced Deforestation Stages in the Tropics [Link] [DOI]
2023 Essel, B.; Bolger, M.; McDonald, J.; Cahalane, C. (2023) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives DEVELOPING A THEORETICAL ASSESSMENT METHOD FOR AN ASSISTED DIRECT GEOREFERENCING APPROACH TO IMPROVE ACCURACY WHEN MAPPING OVER WATER: THE CONCEPT, POTENTIAL AND LIMITATIONS [Link] [DOI]
2023 E.M. Farella, F. Remondino, C. Cahalane, R. Qin, A.M. Loghin, M. Di Tullio, N. Haala, J. Mills (2023) GEOMETRIC PROCESSING OF VERY HIGH-RESOLUTION SATELLITE IMAGERY: QUALITY ASSESSMENT FOR 3D MAPPING NEEDS Krakow, Poland, [DOI]
2023 Castillo-Campo, Y.; Monteys, X.; Beck, A.L.; Cahalane, C. (2023) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives SENTINEL-2 DERIVED WATERLINES FOR COASTAL MONITORING APPLICATIONS: A NEW APPROACH FOR QUANTIFYING VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL ACCURACIES [Link] [DOI]
2022 Essel, B.; McDonal, J.; Bolger, M.; Cahalane, C. (2022) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLIII-B2-2022 XXIV ISPRS Congress . In: ISPRS eds. INITIAL STUDY ASSESSING THE SUITABILITY OF DRONES WITH LOW-COST GNSS AND IMU FOR MAPPING OVER FEATURELESS TERRAIN USING DIRECT GEOREFERENCING Nice, France, [Link]
2017 Monteys, X., Cahalane, C., Harris, P. and Hanafin, J. (2017) American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (AGUFM17) Satellite derived bathymetry: mapping the Irish coastline New Orleans, 11/12/2017- 15/12/2017
2014 Charlton, M., Brunsdon, C., Cahalane, C., and Pforte, L. (2014) GIScience 2014, Vienna Estimating missing data in hierarchical space-time series with a short temporal extent [Full-Text]
2013 Cahalane, C. and McCarthy, T. (2013) Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Annual Conference UAS flight planning—An initial investigation into the influence of VTOL UAS mission parameters on orthomosaic and DSM accuracy
2012 Cahalane, C and McCarthy, T and McElhinney, CP (2012) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research and Applications, COM.Geo '12 MIMIC: Mobile mapping point density calculator [Full-Text]
2011 Cahalane, C and McElhinney, CP and McCarthy, T (2011) MMT’11,‘The 7th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology Calculating the Effect of Dual-Axis Scanner Rotations and Surface Orientation on Scan Profiles June 2011, Krakaw, Poland, [Full-Text]
2010 Cahalane, C and McCarthy, T and McElhinney, CP (2010) Remote Sensing & Photogrammety Society Annual Conference - 'From the sea-bed to the cloudtops' Mobile mapping system performance : An initial investigation into the effect of vehicle speed on laser scan lines September 2010, Cork, Ireland,
2010 Cahalane, C and McElhinney, CP and McCarthy, T (2010) European laser Mapping Forum - 'ELMF 2010' Mobile mapping system performance : An analysis of the effect of laser scanner configuration and vehicle velocity on scan profiles November 2010, The Hague, Holland, [Full-Text]
2010 McElhinney, CP and Kumar, P and Cahalane, C and McCarthy, T (2010) ISPRS Commission V Technical Symposium Initial results from European Road Safety Inspection (EURSI) mobile mapping project [Full-Text]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2017 Dáire Walsh, Conor Cahalane & Tim McCarthy (2017) Irish Earth Observation Symposium 2017 Marine Observation Research Platform Maynooth University, Ireland, .
2017 Cahalane, C. (2017) Survey Ireland 2017 COPERNICUS: Incorporating Satellite Data in your Project Dublin, Ireland, .
2017 Cahalane, C. Walsh, D. Magee, A. and McCarthy, T. (2017) Conference of Irish Geographers Slick Feature Mapping : Monitoring the Irish Coastal Zone and National Waters University College Cork, .
2017 Mohammad Sadegh Askari, Timothy McCarthy, Aiden Magee, Daire Walsh, Conor Cahalane (2017) Irish Earth Observation Symposium 2017 Development of Remote Sensing Grass Quality Measurement Maynooth University, Ireland, .
2017 Gema Casal, Xavier Monteys, John Hedley, Paul Harris, Conor Cahalane, Tim McCarthy (2017) Irish Earth Observation Symposium 2017 Optical remote sensing for bathymetry and seabed mapping in the coast of Ireland (BaSMaI) Maynooth University, Ireland, .
2017 Farrell E.J., Castro Camba, G., Monteys, X., Cahalane, C., O’Toole, R., and Maguire, D. . (2017) The 5th Irish Geomorphology Scientific Workshop The application of UAV (drone) technology to measure bathymetry and topography in coastal and marine environments GSI, Beggars Bush, Dublin, .
2016 Cahalane, C. (2016) Survey Ireland 2016 Flood Monitoring: Satellites, Geomatics and Solutions Dublin, Ireland, .
2016 Margaret McCaul, Jack Barland, Eoghan McNamara, Peter McCluskey, Conor Cahalane, Tim McCarthy and Dermot Diamond (2016) Innovation in Environmental Monitoring Tracking Dynamics of Freshwater and Marine Water Mixing using Satellite and Flyover Thermal Imaging combined with In-Situ Sensing University of York, UK, .
2016 Cahalane, C., Monteys, X., Magee, A., Lewis, P. and McCarthy, T (2016) 10th Irish Earth Observation Symposium Satellite Derived Bathymetry MAREi, Cork, Ireland, .
2016 Cahalane, C., Walsh, D. and McCarthy, T. (2016) 10th Irish Earth Observation Symposium Slick Feature Mapping MAREi, Cork, Ireland, .
2016 Cahalane, C. (2016) Atlantic Ocean Climate Scholars Programme Marine Remote Sensing NUI Galway, Ireland, .
2016 Margaret McCaul, Jack Barland, Eoghan McNamara, Peter McCluskey, Conor Cahalane, Tim McCarthy, Dermot Diamond (2016) ISEH 2016, ISEG 2016 & Geoinformatics 2016 TRATEGIES FOR MONITORING GROUNDWATER DISCHARGE INTO KINVARA BAY, GALWAY, IRELAND Galway, Ireland, .
2016 Margaret McCaul, Jack Barland, Eoghan McNamara, Peter McCluskey, Conor Cahalane, Tim McCarthy, Dermot Diamond (2016) ISEH 2016, ISEG 2016 & Geoinformatics 2016 INTEGRATING GEOSPATIAL REMOTE AND IN-SITU SENSING: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES Galway, Ireland, .
2015 Cahalane, C. (2015) 9th Irish Earth Observation Symposium Sensor Pods and Sensor Fusion; Initial Results from an Aerial Survey Ryan Institute, Galway, Ireland, .
2014 Cahalane, C., Hanafin, J., Harper, K., Barre, N., O'Kelly, C., Monteys, X. and McCarthy, T (2014) 8th Irish Earth Observation Symposium Development of an automated coastal bathymetric methodology using applied remote sensing techniques Maynooth University, Ireland, .
2013 Cahalane, C. (2013) 7th Irish Earth Observation Symposium Surveying Featureless Terrain with an Unmanned Aerial System Teagasc Agricultural Research Centre, Dublin, Ireland, .
2012 Cahalane, C (2012) Survey Ireland Mobile Mapping Systems Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, .
2012 Cahalane, C. (2012) 6th International Terrestrial Laser Scanner User Meeting MIMIC : A benchmarking tool for assessing MMS configurations Nice, France, .
2011 Cahalane, C. (2011) GIS Ireland Survey Planning - Using a GIS to model obstructions and ascertain satellite visibility Dublin, Ireland, .
2011 Cahalane, C. (2011) 5th Irish Earth Observation Symposium State of the art in Mobile Mapping Systems - Applications, Strengths and Weaknesses Environmental Protection Agency HQ, Wexford, Ireland, .
2010 Cahalane, C. (2010) GIS Ireland Mobile Mapping Systems and Geographic Information Dublin, Ireland, .
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Society of Chartered Surveyors Fellow 29/07/2015 -
Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Fellow 29/07/2015 -
Irish Institution of Surveyors Fellow 01/01/2005 - 01/11/2015

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/01/2011 Open Data Challenge Winner National Digital Research Centre


Committee Function From / To
Society of Chartered Surveyors RPAS Working Group Member 01/01/2015 -
Irish Institution of Surveyors Journal Editor 01/01/2008 - 01/01/2010
Irish Institution of Surveyors Treasurer 12/12/2012 - 01/07/2014
Society of Chartered Surveyors Remote Sensing and Earth Observation Working Group Chair 01/07/2014 -
COST Action ES1309 Management Committee Member Irish Delegate 01/03/2014 -
iCRAG Council Postdoctoral Representative 01/01/2016 -
Irish Institution of Surveyors Membership Secretary 01/06/2005 - 01/01/2008


Employer Position From / To
Fingal County Council Land Surveyor and GIS Analyst 01/06/2005 - 01/09/2009


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
Dublin Institute of Technology BSc Geomatics
Dublin Institute of Technology MSc Applied Computing
Maynooth University PhD Geocomputation


Client Description
TechWorks Marine SFI Industry Fellowship - Satellite Derived Bathymetry collaboration
Pavement Management Systems IRCSET Enterprise Partnership PhD with PMS.
Geological Survey of Ireland GSI Shortcall - Multiresolution Approach to Bathymetric Surveys
National Roads Authority LiDAR Survey Guidelines
Petroleum Industry Programme Slick Feature Mapping

Outreach Activities

Organisation Type Description
Marine Sector Industry Hydro International Publication
Property Sector Industry Surveyors Journal Publication on Flood Mapping from Space [Link]
UK Property Sector Industry Land Journal Publication on flood mapping from space [Link]
Rural Sector Civic Society Presentation on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing for Agriculture and Flooding
Farmers Civic Society Presentation and outreach at National Ploughing Championships 2016 showcasing EO and RS for agriculture.
Maynooth Alumni Civic Society Alumni publication showcasing EO in Ireland [Link]
Kildare Fm Civic Society Annual interview on national radio discussing 'the science of christmas' from a mapping perspective.
Geomatics Community Industry Co-Organiser and Co-Chair, 8th Irish Earth Observation Symposium: 2 day event, 200+ national and international attendees (ESA, Google, EARSC, Skybox, Rasdaman GmbH, Trimble, Leica, TOPCON). Maynooth, Ireland, 2014.
All ages Civic Society A short piece i wrote on 'careers of the future' was picked up by a national newspaper. [Link]
Blog Civic Society A personal blog documenting my research and aimed at a non-specialist audience. [Link]
Social media Civic Society A personal twitter account charting my research and aimed at a non-specialist audience [Link]
Children and Young Adults Civic Society Article in national newspaper in supplement on 'The Science of Christmas' [Link]

Teaching Interests

Remote Sensing, Earth Observation, GIS, Surveying, Geomatics

Current Lecturing Commitment
GY641 Aerial Surveys and Drone Operations (10 ECTS)
GY642 Satellite Remote Sensing/ Earth Observation (20 ECTS)
GY643 Marine Remote Sensing - INFOMAR (10 ECTS)
GY314 Environmental Remote Sensing (5 ECTS)
GY638 GI In Practice (10 ECTS)
GY635 MSc Work Placement (10 ECTS)
GY205 UG Field Trip (5 ECTS)

Past Lecturing Experience

TU Dublin
SSPL2012 Photogrammetric Systems (5 ECTS)
SSPL3008 Remote Sensing 
(5 ECTS)
SSPL3108 Regional Plan 
(5 ECTS)
SSPL1010 Information Technology 2 
(5 ECTS) 
SSPL9077 Research Methods & Dissertn. (30 ECTS) 
SSPL2007 Mathematical Methods 4 
(5 ECTS)
CONS2009 Setting Out/Dimension Control (10 ECTS)

Maynooth University
GY633 - Digital Image processing (Lectures and practicals)
GY314 - Environmental Remote Sensing (Lectures and practicals)
GY603 - GIS for Climate Change (Lectures and practicals)

ZOOL40250 - Remote Sensing (module design, lectures and practicals)

Current Students

Student Name Degree Supervision