Dr Elizabeth Boyle

N.B. I am currently on research leave until August 2025.
I have been a lecturer in Early Irish at Maynooth University since 2013, and served as Head of Department from 2015-2020. I am currently Visiting Senior Fellow in Humanities at the University of Suffolk, UK (2024-7), and Doohan Visiting Fellow at the University of Sydney, Australia (2025). I am currently serving as an elected member of the Governing Authority of Maynooth University, and I am an executive board member and trustee of the Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature.
I studied medieval Celtic languages, literature and history at the Universities of Glasgow (MA, 2002) and Cambridge (MPhil, 2003; PhD, 2008), and subsequently held a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship (University of Cambridge, 2009-12) and a Marie Curie Fellowship in the Historical Humanities (University College Cork, 2012-13).
In 2021 I published a research monograph, History and Salvation in Medieval Ireland (Routledge), and in 2022 I published a collection of personal essays, Fierce Appetites (Penguin), which was shortlisted for Non-fiction Book of the Year at the Irish Book Awards. I have also co-edited books on topics such as medieval Irish manuscripts, textual culture, and on the history of scholarship. I have published numerous articles on medieval Irish religious literature, homilies, law, theological and philosophical texts, including English translations of Latin and Middle Irish sources.
My research and teaching interests include Irish intellectual, religious and cultural history from the seventh to twelfth centuries; early Irish law; biblical adaptations in medieval literature; the literary history of Ireland in Latin and Old and Middle Irish (c. 600-1200CE); history of scholarship, particularly colonialism and the discipline of Celtic Studies; life-writing, biography and creative nonfiction.
Research Interests
My research interests include:
- the religious and intellectual history of north-western Europe, c. 400 - c. 1200
- medieval theology, philosophy and ethics
- vernacular adaptations of Latin texts in medieval Britain and Ireland
- Irish literature before c. 1200
- historiography, life-writing and biography
Postdoctoral mentorship:
- Dr Niamh Wycherley, Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, Principal Investigator SFI-IRC Pathway project, Power and Patronage in Medieval Ireland: Clonard from the Sixth to Twelfth Centuries, 2022 - 2026
- Dr Daniel Watson (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), Philosophy in Early Medieval Ireland: Nature, Hierarchy and Inspiration, Hume Scholar (degree awarded 2019) - awarded the 2020 Johan-Kaspar-Zeuss Prize for best PhD thesis in Celtic Studies
- Dr Ellen Ganly (Maynooth University), The Life and Cult of St Abbán: A Dossier Study, ChronHib Research Assistant (degree awarded 2021)
- Dr Seán Ó Hoireabhárd (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), co-supervised with Dr Michael Potterton, The Irish Kings and the English Invasion, Irish Research Council postgraduate scholar (degree awarded 2022)
- Dr Victoria Krivoshchekova (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies), Studies in the Linguistic Foundation of Thought in Early Irish Tradition, Hume Scholar - awarded the 2020 Vivien Law Prize for an essay in the history of linguistic ideas; awarded the 2022 Medium Aevum Essay Prize by the Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literatures (degree awarded 2023)
- Chelsey Collins, Fragments of Sexual Ethics in Early Medieval Ireland, Hume Scholar - awarded the 2023 Terry Barry Prize for the Best Postgraduate Paper in Medieval Irish Studies (ASIMS) (due to submit in April 2025)
- Seungyeon Lee, Medieval Ireland and Korea: Comparative Studies in Gender, Hume Scholar (due to submit in 2026)
- Tiago Veloso Silva, co-supervised with Dr Niamh Wycherley, Women and the Church of Clonard, SFI-IRC Pathway Project (due to submit in 2026)
- Lydia Hursh, Autonomy and Consent in the Marriages of Literary Women in Early Ireland, Hume Scholar (due to submit in 2026)
- River Atwood Tabor, co-supervised by Prof. Barry Lewis (DIAS), A Song of Wind and Wings: Birds in Medieval Ireland and Wales (due to submit in 2027)
Year | Publication | |
2023 | Elizabeth Boyle and Ruairí Ó hUiginn (2023) Book of Uí Mhaine. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. [Link] | |
2022 | Elizabeth Boyle (2022) Fierce Appetites. Dublin and London: Penguin. | |
2021 | Elizabeth Boyle (2021) History and Salvation in Medieval Ireland. Abingdon/New York: Routledge. [Link] | |
2011 | Elizabeth Boyle and Paul Russell (2011) The Tripartite Life of Whitley Stokes (1830 - 1909). : Four Courts Press. |
Book Chapter
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Elizabeth Boyle (2020) 'Early Medieval Perspectives on Pre-Christian Traditions in the Celtic World' In: Prognostication in the Medieval World: A Handbook. Berlin : De Gruyter. [Link] https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110499773 | |
2020 | Boyle, E (2020) 'The Afterlife in the Medieval Celtic-Speaking World' In: IMAGINING THE MEDIEVAL AFTERLIFE. CAMBRIDGE : CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS. | |
2020 | Elizabeth Boyle (2020) 'Philologia and Philology: Allegory and Multilingualism in the Corpus Martianus Capella' In: Medieval Manuscripts in the Digital Age. Abingdon/New York : Routledge. [Link] | |
2019 | Elizabeth Boyle (2019) 'Aspects of Philosophical Discourse in Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Ireland: Metaphor, Morality and the Mind' In: Philosophy in Ireland: Past Actualities and Present Challenges. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Publishing. | |
2018 | Elizabeth Boyle (2018) 'Biblical Kings and Kingship Theory in Medieval Ireland and Norway' In: Speculum Septentrionale: Konungs skuggsjá and the European Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages. Oslo : Novus Forlag. | |
2018 | Elizabeth Boyle (2018) 'Biblical History in the Book of Ballymote' In: The Book of Ballymote. Dublin : Royal Irish Academy. | |
2018 | Boyle E. (2018) 'Eschatology and reform in early Irish law: The evidence of sunday legislation' In: Apocalypse and Reform from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages. | |
2017 | Elizabeth Boyle (2017) 'The Twelfth-Century English Transmission of a Poem on the Threefold Division of the Mind, Attributed to Patrick of Dublin (d. 1084)' In: 'A Fantastic and Abstruse Latinity'? Hiberno-Continental Cultural and Literary Interactions in the Middle Ages. Muenster : Nodus Publikationen. | |
2017 | Elizabeth Boyle (2017) 'Writing Medieval Irish Religious History in the Nineteenth Century' In: Representing Irish Religious Histories: Historiography, Ideology and Practice. London and New York : Palgrave. | |
2017 | Elizabeth Boyle (2017) 'The Forms and Functions of Medieval Irish Poetry and the Limitations of Modern Aesthetics' In: From Eald to New: Translating Early Medieval Poetry for the Twenty-First Century. Woodbridge : Boydell and Brewer. | |
2016 | Elizabeth Boyle (2016) 'Allegory, the áes dána and the Liberal Arts in Medieval Irish Literature' In: Deborah Hayden and Paul Russell(Eds.). Grammatica, Gramadach and Gramadeg: Vernacular Grammar and Grammarians in Medieval Ireland and Wales. Amsterdam : John Benjamins. | |
2015 | Elizabeth Boyle (2015) 'Eschatological Themes in Lebor na hUidre' In: Ruairí Ó hUiginn(Eds.). Codices Hibernenses Eximii I: Lebor na hUidre. Dublin : Royal Irish Academy. | |
2015 | Elizabeth Boyle (2015) 'Forming the Future for Individuals and Institutions in Medieval Ireland' In: Felicitas Schmieder(Eds.). Mittelalterliche Zukunftsgestaltung im angesicht des Weltendes – Forming the Future Facing the End of the World in the Middle Ages. Köln : Böhlau Verlag. | |
2015 | Elizabeth Boyle and Liam Breatnach (2015) 'Senchas Gall Átha Clíath: Aspects of the Cult of Saint Patrick in the Twelfth Century ' In: John Carey, Kevin Murray & Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh(Eds.). Sacred Histories: A Festschrift for Máire Herbert. Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2014 | Elizabeth Boyle (2014) 'On the Wonders of Ireland: Translation and Adaptation' In: Elizabeth Boyle and Deborah Hayden(Eds.). Authorities and Adaptations: the Reworking and Transmission of Textual Sources in Medieval Ireland. Dublin : Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. [Full-Text] | |
2014 | Elizabeth Boyle (2014) 'De tribus habitaculis animae' In: John Carey et al(Eds.). The End and Beyond: Medieval Irish Eschatology. Aberystwyth : Celtic Studies Publications. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Elizabeth Boyle (2013) 'Sacrifice and Salvation in Echtgus a Canins Poetic Treatise on the Eucharist' In: J. Mullins, J. N Ghrdaigh, & R. Hawtree(Eds.). Envisioning Christ on the Cross: Ireland and the Early Medieval West. Dublin : Four Courts Press. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Elizabeth Boyle (2013) 'Resurrection: the Study of Medieval Irish Eschatology in the Nineteenth Century' In: Paddy Lyons, John Miller & Willy Maley(Eds.). Romantic Ireland: from Tone to Gonne; Fresh Perspectives on Nineteenth-Century Ireland. Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars' Publishing. | |
2011 | Elizabeth Boyle (2011) 'The Impiety of the Intellect: Whitley Stokes and the Pre-Raphaelites' In: Elizabeth Boyle and Paul Russell(Eds.). The Tripartite Life of Whitley Stokes (1830 - 1909). Dublin : Four Courts Press. | |
2010 | Elizabeth Boyle (2010) 'Visionary Texts' In: Albrecht Classen(Eds.). Handbook of Medieval Studies: Terms - Methods - Trends. Berlin & New York : De Gruyter. | |
2010 | Elizabeth Boyle (2010) 'Margaret Stokes (1832-1900) and the Study of Medieval Irish Art in the Nineteenth Century' In: C. Breathnach & C. Lawless(Eds.). Visual, Material and Print Culture in Nineteenth-Century Ireland. Dublin : Four Courts Press. |
Peer Reviewed Journal
Year | Publication | |
2022 | Boyle E. (2022) 'Agency, Consent and Loyalty: Michal daughter of Saul, and Royal Women in Middle Irish Literature'. Peritia, 33 :9-28. [DOI] | |
2021 | Elizabeth Boyle (2021) 'The Poetics of Irony in Middle Irish Literature'. North American Journal of Celtic Studies, 5 (2):194-213. [Link] [DOI] | |
2019 | Boyle, E; McEvansoneya, P (2019) 'WIIITLEY STOKES AND THE COMPOSITION OF DANTE ROSSETTI'S "MY FATHER'S CLOSE"'. Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies-New Series, 28 :11-15. | |
2016 | Elizabeth Boyle (2016) 'The Rhetoric and Reality of Reform in Irish Eschatological Thought, c. 1000 – 1150'. History of Religions, 55 :269-288. [Full-Text] | |
2013 | Elizabeth Boyle (2013) 'Lay Morality, Clerical Immorality, and Pilgrimage in Tenth-Century Ireland: Cethrur Macclérech and Epscop do Gáedelaib'. Studia Hibernica, 39 :9-48. [Full-Text] | |
2012 | Elizabeth Boyle (2012) 'The Authorship and Transmission of De tribus habitaculis animae'. Journal of Medieval Latin, 22 :49-65. | |
2010 | Elizabeth Boyle (2010) 'Eschatological Justice in Scela lai bratha'. Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies, 59 :39-54. [Full-Text] | |
2009 | Elizabeth Boyle (2009) 'Neoplatonic Thought in Medieval Ireland: the Evidence of Scela na esergi'. Medium Aevum, 78 :216-230. [Full-Text] | |
2005 | Elizabeth Boyle (2005) 'A Welsh Record of an Anglo-Saxon Political Mutilation'. Anglo-Saxon England, 35 :245-249. [Full-Text] |
Book Review
Year | Publication | |
2020 | Boyle, E (2020) Church and Settlement in Ireland. LONDON: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2015 | Boyle, E (2015) Coire Sois-The Cauldron of Knowledge: A Companion to Early Irish Saga. LONDON: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2019 | Boyle, E (2019) Pilgrimage to Heaven. Eschatology and Monastic Spirituality in Early Medieval Ireland. BOLOGNA: [Book Review] | |
2019 | Boyle, E (2019) Moses the Egyptian in the Illustrated Old English Hexateuch (London, British Library Cotton MS Claudius B.iv). LONDON: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2016 | Boyle, E (2016) Ireland in the Medieval World AD 400-1000: Landscape, Kingship and Religion. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2017 | Boyle, E (2017) The Irish Church, Its Reform and the English Invasion. LONDON: [Book Review] | |
2017 | Boyle, E (2017) Literacy and Identity in Early Medieval Ireland. HOBOKEN: [Book Review] [DOI] | |
2012 | Elizabeth Boyle and Paul Russell (2012) Ireland and India: the Life and Scholarship of Whitley Stokes (1830 - 1909). [Book Review] | |
2012 | Elizabeth Boyle (2012) Professor Raymond Page (1924 - 2012). [Book Review] | |
2011 | Elizabeth Boyle (2011) John Carey, ed. & trans., Corpus Christianorum Series Apocryphorum 16, Apocrypha Hiberniae II, Apocalypta 1 – In Tenga Bithnua – The Ever-new Tongue. [Book Review] |
Honors and Awards
Teaching Interests
- Humour in medieval Celtic literature
- Heroic literature
- Medieval Irish poetry
- Old Irish language
- Textual criticism
- Ecclesiastical history