Are you interested in being part of our Race Equality Fora? 

We have two Race Equality Forums, one for students and one for staff. 

Membership is open to individuals from Minority Ethnic Groups and people interested in anti-racist work at Maynooth University. 

To express interest in joining fill out this form.

Race Equality in Maynooth

  • Open Panel Discussion with Students on Race Equity in Maynooth University, 28th July 2020 (following on from previous Open Discussion Forum sessions last year co-hosted by MSU and the VPED);
  • Provide a resource for staff in thinking about intercultural education and diversifying their curriculum, including examining what texts are valued and encouraging texts on courses from the Global South, which are often under-represented;
  • Work with the Library on decolonising the library collection and looking at what texts should be included;
  • Develop anti-racism training in collaboration with the Maynooth Access Office;
  • Create spaces for minority ethnic students and staff to be consulted on decisions made by the university through a new equality analysis system;
  • Develop a dedicated webpage for the Office of Equality and Diversity, collating the policies, information and supports around EDI issues.
  • Guest lecture from expert as part of a series of lectures on Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Interculturalism issues.
  • Engagement with National Intersectionality Working group - see more about this here.