Congratulations to Rebecca Murphy on having her article published on Headstuff. The article is entitled:
Protection From A Pandemic | A Reprieve For The Privileged
"In the interest of strengthening national solidarity and by extension inspire compliance to preventative public health measures, a narrative of ‘we are in this together’ pervades popular and political discourse surrounding Covid-19. Such sentiments serve to convey the rhetoric that this pandemic is a ‘leveller’ of sorts, that Covid-19 does not differentiate by race, colour, creed, or border. A truism is masked: We did not enter this pandemic on a level playing field and, without adequate intervention, we will emerge from it with societal inequities far greater than when we started.
The question of ‘who do we protect?’ has, in large measure, focused on our older generations and those with pre-existing health conditions. However,..." Link to the full article