Student Complaints Procedure

 A student complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more students about some aspect the university’s service. The Student Complaints Procedure sets out a clear process to allow students to make a complaint. The purpose of the process is to address genuine student grievances and promote improvements in quality for the benefit of all students.  We recognise that issues may arise and Maynooth University is committed to providing a clear mechanism to facilitate complaints.
In general when something goes wrong, it should be dealt with at the most local level possible. Maynooth University’s Student Complaint process consists of three steps.
Complaints made in good faith will not result in negative consequences for students regardless of whether they are upheld or not. However, frivolous or vexatious complaints will be rejected by the student complaints officer and malicious complaints may be referred to Student Discipline. 
Please read the student complaints procedure before submitting a complaint.

  Maynooth University Student Complaints Procedure