Smart Hangar

The Smart Hangar Project aims at addressing the Defence Challenge  on "Cyber-physical system to assist in, or potentially automate, manoeuvring of aircraft between a hangar and apron".

This challenge aims at developping a cyber-physical system that will assist, or potentially automate, the manoeuvre of aircraft between a hangar and apron. The system must be adaptable to different types of aircraft with minimal or no human intervention. The system must be capable of significantly reducing the time needed to manoeuvre an aircraft from hangar to apron without damage to the aircraft, hangar or apron infrastructure, while maintaining or increasing safety for personnel. Solutions should not involve modification to aircraft or significant modification to hangar or apron infrastructure.

Simon Harris - Minister for Further and Higher Education, Prof Rozenn Dahyot, Simon Coveney - Minister for Foreign Affairs & Defence

The Smart Hangar team will devise a solution with multiple sensors built in the hangar to build a 3D model of the scene. A path planning algorithm will be developed, and a cooperative interface will be developed to facilitate the human operator and the robot controller to work together to manoeuvre the aircraft.

SmartHangar research project team members

Smart Hangar Team Members: Rozenn Dahyot, Marco Cognetti, Gerry Lacey, Peter Redmond, and Captain Tom Mullarkey (Irish Air Corps).

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