Hamilton Institute Seminar

Wednesday, November 27, 2019 - 11:00 to 12:00
Hamilton Institute Seminar Room (317), 3rd Floor Eolas Building

Speaker: ​Dr Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, TSSG, WIT

Title: "Bacterial Molecular Communications and Future Applications"

Abstract:  The emerging field of molecular communication aims to create a communication systems infrastructure that is constructed using biological components and systems that are found in nature. The development of such communication systems is possible through the combination of nanotechnology as well as synthetic biology, enabling biological cells to be reprogrammed in a similar manner as a computing device. The possibility of constructing biocompatible communication systems using natural biological cells are at the basis of a plethora of applications including, intra-body sensing and actuation as well as targeted drug delivery. Unlike traditional communication systems, which communicate largely through electromagnetic waves, molecular communication is a brand new paradigm that brings along a number of challenges. The seminar will start with a general introduction to the field of molecular communications, and will focus on one type of molecular communication system using bacteria. The talk will focus on computational models that are used to model bacterial inter-cellular signaling, and will touch on applications of engineered communication for bio-film prevention, as well as molecular communications for logic gate circuits.