Hamilton Institute Research Day 2023
Programme Organiser: Damien Woods
Administrative Organisers: Rosemary Hunt, Kate Moriarty
Thursday, January 26, 2023
9.30 start
9:30 Opening
9:35 Overview by Andrew Parnell, interim head of Hamilton Institute
9:45 Rozenn Dahyot, The importance of Data Encoding in ML
10:05 Rafael de Andrade Moral, Profiling Television Watching Behaviour Using Bayesian Hierarchical Models
10:25 Erivelton Nepomuceno, Green Algorithms: Challenges and Opportunities
10:45 coffee
11:00 Katarina Domijan, Ensemble models for analysis of spectroscopic data
11:20 Hao Wu, Cyclone: A New Specification Language for Verifying/Testing Graph-based Structures
11:40 Ralf Bierig, Interfaces Matter
12:00 Abeer Eshra, Thermodynamically favoured DNA Computing
12:20 lunch
13:20 Catherine Hurley, Data and model visualisation for statistical learning
13:40 Hadi Tabatabaee, Where to deploy application services in an edge computing environment?
14:00 John Dooley, 6G Communications and the end of Mobile Network Operators as we know them
14:20 Danilo Sarti, Machine learning for multi environmental trials
14:40 coffee
15:00 Barak A. Pearlmutter, Criticality in the Brain
15:20 Guangyuan Piao, Learning to Predict the Departure Dynamics of Wikidata Editors
15:40 Kevin Credit, Understanding urban street network structure with graph representation learning
16:00 Ting Bi, Multiple sensorial media (MulSeMedia) and Extended Reality (XR)
16:20 end