Waste Recycling Installation in the Library

Recycling Installation exhibit in the Library thanks to MGC, MSU and MU Green Campus Society
Tuesday, December 5, 2017 - 10:30

This temporary installation piece is the collaboration between Maynooth Green Campus Group (MGC), Maynooth Student Union (MSU) and MU Green Campus Society.

The aim of this installation is to remind people how much waste we produce. It is easy to lose sight of the amount of waste and its harmful effects on our environment in the midst of our busy lives.

However, we believe it is everyone's responsibility to do their best to be mindful and to try and make good choices. By making some small changes to your lifestyle you can do your bit and make a big difference.
For example, invest in a reusable water bottle and reusable cup.

This will also save you some money. Over a three-year period consuming one coffee and one bottle a day will see nearly two-thousand euro gone and an infamous amount of resources.
Finally, when disposing of your waste please take a moment to check whether the item is for the landfill, recycling bins or compost where applicable.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Special thanks to:
Joe Larragy & Dorena Bishop from Maynooth Green Campus Group (MGC) for the funding and constant support. Colin Maher and Dermot Connon from MSU Events Team, for their input and help constructing the installation.
Thanks to Elaine Bean Senior Library Assistant at MU John Paul II Library and to all the members of MU Green Campus Society that contributed to making it possible.

MU Green Campus Society


Members of MGC and MSU with the Installation in the Library