Welcome to German Studies in the School of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (SMLLC)

German Studies has approximately 200 students currently enrolled, with four full-time staff and one Austrian Lektorin (supported by the Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research). There are also several part-time staff, many of whom are German native speakers.

We offer courses that aim to

  • help students to develop their German language competence to a high standard;
  • introduce them to German, Swiss and Austrian history and culture in a comprehensive way;
  • develop their creative, analytical and critical thinking; and
  • foster a productive engagement with a culture that is not the students’ native culture.

We ensure that small class sizes and friendly student-staff relations create a productive learning atmosphere.

Hear from one of our alumni:

Tá tuairim agus 200 mac léinn cláraithe faoi láthair sa Roinn Gearmáinise. Tá ceathrar múinteoirí lánaimseartha agus Lektorin Ostaireach amháin againn (a dtacaíonn Institiúid Chultúrtha na hOstaire leis). Ina dteannta siúd tá foireann pháirtaimseartha, ar cainteoirí dúchais Gearmáinise iad mórchuid díobh.