Prof Jane Gray

Sociology, Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI), IQDA, QSA*Net


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My scholarship centres on questions relating to families, households and social change. In my current research I use qualitative life history analysis to develop explanations of how and why people adopt innovative family life strategies in changing social and economic contexts. 

I also have a longstanding interest in the development of research infrastructures. I am the programme leader for the Irish Qualitative Data Archive and have played a leading role in the development of the Digital Repository of Ireland.  

My current research project, 'LINLOSS: Towards a Sociology of Loss: Disposals and Dead-Ends in Lineages of Social Innovation and Change' is funded by a European Research Council Advanced Grant.  The study aims to provide a new understanding of how losses, disposals and dead-ends shape the direction of social change at moments of crisis, and to develop a formal theory of social loss.

I am also currently Principal Investigator on the project QSA*Net: Promoting Open Research in Qualitative Social Science.  This project is a collaboration between Maynooth University, Technological University of the Shannon and the University of Leeds.  It aims to stimulate awareness and participation in open research by promoting practices of data re-use in the qualitative social sciences.

Research Interests

Families and households; comparative-historical sociology; qualitative longitudinal and biographical analysis; qualitative data management for sharing and re-use

Research Projects

Title Role Description Start date End date Amount
QSA*Net: Promoting Open Research in Qualitative Social Science PI The proposal is to develop a network of expertise amongst scholars engaged in qualitative secondary data analysis and qualitative data sharing, that will engage in activities to promote secondary analysis amongst early career scholars in Ireland and the UK. 02/10/2023 30/09/2025 91384
LINLOSS:Towards a Sociology of Loss: Disposals and dead-ends in Lineages of Social Innovation and Change PI 01/11/2023 31/10/2028 2498955


Year Publication
2017 Gray J.; Geraghty R.; Ralph D. (2017) Family rhythms: The changing textures of family life in Ireland.
2010 Corcoran, M.P., J. Gray and M. Peillon (2010) Suburban Affiliations: Social Relations in the Greater Dublin Area. : Syracuse University Press.
2005 J. Gray (2005) Spinning the Threads of Uneven Development: Gender and Industrialization in Ireland during the Long Eighteenth Century. : Lexington Books.

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2020 Promberger, M., M. Boost, J. Dagg and J. Gray (2020) 'Introduction: poverty, resilience and the European crisis' In: Poverty, Crisis and Resilience. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar.
2020 Dagg, J., M. Promberger, M. Boost and J. Gray (2020) 'Crisis and resilience in poor European households: core findings and conclusions' In: Poverty, Crisis and Resilience. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar.
2020 Dagg, J. and J. Gray (2020) 'Turning points and critical moments in resilient European lives: a biographical longitudinal analysis' In: Poverty, Crisis and Resilience. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar.
2020 Gray, J; Dagg, J; Rooney, C (2020) 'Coping with poverty in everyday life' In: ROUTLEDGE INTERNATIONAL HANDBOOK OF POVERTY. ABINGDON : ROUTLEDGE.
2019 Gray, Jane and Ruth Geraghty (2019) 'Using quantitative data in qualitative secondary analysis' In: Qualitative Secondary Analysis. London : Sage publications. [Link]
2018 Tara Murphy, Aileen O’Carroll, Suzanne Guerin and Jane Gray (2018) 'Overcoming the Ethical and Practical Challenges Associated with Archiving Qualitative and Quantitative Data' In: Research and Evaluation in Community, Health and Social Care Settings. Experiences from Practice. Abingdon, Oxford, United Kingdom : Routledge. [Link]
2014 Geraghty R.; Gray J.; Ralph D. (2014) ''One of the best members of the family': Continuity and change in young children's relationships with their grandparents' In: The 'Irish' Family. [DOI]
2016 Shimizu, Yoshifumi with the assistance of Jane Gray (2016) 'Introduction' In: Studies of Post-1841 Irish Family Structures. Osaka, Japan : Research Institute, St. Andrew's University. [Link]
2015 Ruth Geraghty, Jane Gray and David Ralph (2015) '’One of the best members of the family’: continuity and change in young children’s relationships with their grandparents' In: Linda Connolly(Eds.). The 'Irish' Family. Abingdon, Oxford : Routledge. [Full-Text]
2012 Dr Jane Gray (2012) 'Household formation, inheritance and class-formation in nineteenth century Ireland: evidence from County Fermanagh' In: Anne-Lise Head-Konig in collaboration with Peter Pozsgai(Eds.). Inheritance Practices, Marriage Strategies and Household Formation in European Rural Societies. Turnhout, Belgium : BREPOLS. [Full-Text]
2007 M.P. Corcoran, J. Gray and M. Peillon (2007) 'Ties that Bind? The social fabric of daily life in the new suburbs' In: T. Fahey, H. Russell and C. Whelan(Eds.). The Best of Times?  The social impact of the Celtic Tiger. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration.
2004 J. Gray (2004) 'The Life Histories and Family Change Project at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth' In: G. Macheski, K.S. Lowney, C. Knudson-Martin and M. Capece(Eds.). Teaching About Families, 4th Edition. Washington DC : American Sociological Association.
2003 J. Gray (2003) 'The Irish, Scottish and Flemish linen industries during the long eighteenth century' In: Brenda Collins and Philip Ollerenshaw(Eds.). The European Linen Industry in Historical Perspective. Pasold Studies in Textile History, 13. Oxford : Oxford University Press. [Full-Text]
2000 J. Gray and S. Sernau (2000) 'A Case Study Approach to Sociology of the Family' In: G. Macheski, K.S. Lowney, C. Knudson-Martin and M. Capece(Eds.). Teaching about Families. Washington DC : American Sociological Association.
2000 J. Gray (2000) 'The Drama of Childbirth' In: M. Corcoran and M. Peillon(Eds.). Ireland Unbound: A Turn of the Century Chronicle, Irish Sociological Chronicles, Vol. 3. Dublin : Institute of Public Administration. [Full-Text]
1999 J. Gray (1999) 'Spinners and Spinning in the Political Economy of Pre-Famine Ireland: Evidence from County Cavan in 1821' In: M. Cohen and N. Curtin(Eds.). Reclaiming Gender: Transgressive Identities in Modern Ireland. Washington DC : American Sociological Association.
1997 Jane Gray (1997) 'The Irish and Scottish Linen Industries in the Eighteenth Century: An Incorporated Comparison' In: The Warp of Ulster's Past: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Irish Linen Industry. New York : Palgrave Macmillan.
1996 J. Gray (1996) 'Gender and Uneven Working Class Formation in the Irish Linen Industry' In: L.L. Frader and S.O. Rose(Eds.). Gender and Class in Modern Europe. Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press. [Full-Text]
2019 Gray J.; Dagg J.; Rooney C. (2019) 'Coping with poverty in everyday life' In: Routledge International Handbook of Poverty. [DOI]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2020 Boost, M., J.Dagg, J. Gray and M. Promberger (Ed.). (2020) Poverty, Crisis and Resilience. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing,

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2022 Gray J.; Geraghty R. (2022) 'The Transformation of Parents’ Values and Aspirations for Their Children: A Retrospective Qualitative Longitudinal Analysis of Changing Cultural Configurations'. Sociological Research Online, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2022 Calado A.D.D.C.; Capucha L.M.A.; Gray J.; Wódz K.M. (2022) 'Fighting Poverty in Times of Crisis in Europe'. Comparative Sociology, 21 (4):447-472.
2020 Rooney C.; Gray J. (2020) 'Changing Family Dynamics and In-Work Benefits'. Social Policy and Society, 19 (2):185-205. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Jane Gray (2019) 'Explaining Macro-Social Change with Archived Data: Reading against the Grain'. Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej, 15 (1):14-31. [Link] [Full-Text]
2019 Gray, J; Dagg, J (2019) 'Crisis, recession and social resilience: A biographical life course analysis'. Advances in Life Course Research, 42 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Gray J.; Dagg J. (2018) 'Using reflexive lifelines in biographical interviews to aid the collection, visualisation and analysis of resilience'. Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, :1-16. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Millar M.; Gray J.; Rooney C.; Crosse R. (2018) 'The (in)adequacy of in-work benefits in Irish lone parent labour market activation policy'. The Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 26 (3):379-400. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Geraghty R.; Gray J. (2017) 'Family rhythms: Re-visioning family change in Ireland using qualitative archived data from growing up in Ireland and life histories and social change'. Irish Journal of Sociology, 25 (2):207-213. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Gray, J (2014) 'The circulation of children in rural Ireland during the first half of the twentieth century'. Continuity and Change, 29 :399-421. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Gray J.; Geraghty R.; Ralph D. (2013) 'Young grandchildren and their grandparents: A secondary analysis of continuity and change across four birth cohorts'. FAMILIES, RELATIONSHIPS AND SOCIETIES, 2 (2):289-298. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2012 Gray, J; O'Carroll, A (2012) 'Education and Class-formation in 20th Century Ireland: A Retrospective Qualitative Longitudinal Analysis'. Sociology, 46 :696-711. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2011 Gray, Jane., O'Carroll, Aileen (2011) 'Qualitative Research in Ireland: Archiving Strategies and Development'. IASSIST QUARTERLY, 34/35 :18-22. [Full-Text]
2009 Corcoran, MP; Gray, J; Peillon, M (2009) 'Making Space for Sociability: How Children Animate the Public Realm in Suburbia'. Nature and Culture, 4 :35-56. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2006 Peillon, M., Corcoran, M. and Gray, J. (2006) 'Civic Engagement and The Governance of Irish Suburbs'. STUDIES IN PUBLIC POLICY, 21 . [Full-Text]
1993 J. Gray (1993) 'Rural Industry and Uneven Development: The Significance of Gender in the Irish Linen Industry'. Journal of Peasant Studies, 20 :590-611. [Full-Text]
1993 J. Gray (1993) 'Gender and Plebian Culture in Ulster'. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 24 :251-270. [Full-Text]
1993 J. Gray (1993) 'Folk Poetry and Working-Class Identity in Ulster: An Analysis of James Orr's, The Penitent'. Journal of Historical Sociology, 6 :249-275. [Full-Text]

Audiovisual material

Year Publication
2022 McDonald, Catherine and Jane Gray (2022) Jane Gray on researching social change over time. Southampton, United Kingdom: [Audiovisual material] [Link]

Online Database

Year Publication
2021 Dagg, Jennifer, and Gray, Jane. (2021) RESCuE: Patterns of Resilience during Socioeconomic Crises among Households in Europe- Ireland. [Online Database] [DOI]
2015 Gray, Jane; O'Carroll, Aileen; Ó Riain, Seán; Geraghty, Ruth (2015) Life Histories and Social Change Collection. [Online Database] [DOI]
2015 Corcoran, Mary P, Gray, Jane, and Peillon, Michel. (2015) New Urban Living Essays collection. [Online Database] [DOI]

Working Paper

Year Publication
2018 Gray, Jane and Clíona Rooney (2018) Supporting low income working families: enabling resilience. Maynooth, County Kildare: [Working Paper] [Link] [Full-Text]
2017 Dagg, J., Gray, J. (2017) Longitudinal and Biographical Aspects of Resilience in Ireland. Maynooth, Ireland: [Working Paper] [Link] [Full-Text]
2016 Dagg, J., Gray, J. (2016) Cultural practices in resilient households in Ireland. Maynooth, County Kildare, Ireland: [Working Paper] [Link] [Full-Text]
2016 Jennifer Dagg and Jane Gray (2016) Socio-economic practices of resilience in Ireland. Maynooth: [Working Paper] [Link] [Full-Text]
2016 Jennifer Dagg and Jane Gray (2016) RESCuE Technical Report on Fieldwork in Ireland. Maynooth, Ireland: [Working Paper] [Link] [Full-Text]
2014 Promberger, Marus and Ursula Huws, Hulya Dagdeviren, Lars Meier, Frank Sowa,Marie Boost, Athena Athanasiou, Attila Aytekin, María Arnal, Luís Capucha, Carlos de Castro,Krystyna Faliszek Jane Gray Krzysztofęcki, Witold Mandrysz, Georgia Petraki Juan Carlos Revilla, Tarik Şengü,l Barbara Słania, Monica Tennberg, Terhi Vuojala-Magga, Kazimiera Wódz (2014) Patterns of Resilience during Socioeconomic Crises among Households in Europe (RESCuE): Concept, Objectives and Work Packages of an EU FP 7 Project. [Working Paper] [Full-Text]
2010 Gray, Jane (2010) Poverty and the Life Cycle in 20th Century Ireland: Changing Experiences of Childhood, Education and the Transition to Adulthood. [Working Paper] [Full-Text]
2009 Gray, J., Corcoran, M. and Peillon, M. (2009) Local Family Circles and Suburban Social Life in Ireland. [Working Paper] [Full-Text]


Year Publication
2017 Jennifer Dagg and Jane Gray (2017) Resilience to the Recent Economic Crisis in Irish Households. [Report] [Link] [Full-Text]
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