Maynooth University Graduate Elected as Member of the Royal Irish Academy
Geraldine Byrne Nason was admitted as a Member of the Royal Irish Academy continuing a 229 year Academy tradition of recognising outstanding achievement.
Date: Friday, 30 May 2014
Ciara Magee awarded scholarship to Shanghai University
Ciara Magee, a second year student of Chinese Studies has been awarded a scholarship to Shanghai University by the Chinese Language Council. Ciara's tuition and living expenses for the academic year 2014-15 will be covered by the scholarship. Congratulations to Ciara we hope she has a wonderful experience in Shanghai.
Date: Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Is é an Dioplóma i Múineadh na Gaeilge (Foghlaimeoirí Fásta) an t-aon cháilíocht ghairmiúil teagaisc atá ar fáil i múineadh na Gaeilge do dhaoine fásta. Tá an dioplóma páirt-aimseartha seo á chur ar fáil i nGaillimh ag OÉ Má Nuad don bhliain acadúil 2014/15.
Date: Friday, 16 May 2014
Music Department ensemble invited to participate in international festival
Schola Gregoriana Maynooth has been invited to participate in VI Váci Nemzetközi Gregorián Fesztivál (Hungary). We wish the singers and their conductor, Darina McCarthy, an enriching trip to Hungary!
Date: Tuesday, 13 May 2014
New book by Department of Music lecturer
Interpreting Chopin: Analysis and Performance by Dr Alison Hood (Lecturer in Music at Maynooth University), has just been published by Ashgate.
Date: Wednesday, 30 April 2014
John Hume Scholarship Deadline 6th May 2014
Deadline for receipt of applications to the Graduate Studies Office is the 6th May at 5pm.
Date: Tuesday, 29 April 2014
New Faculty Publication: Shakespeare and YouTube: New Media Forms of the Bard
The Department of English is pleased to announce a new publication by Faculty member, Dr Stephen O'Neill, Shakespeare and YouTube: New Media Forms of the Bard (Arden Shakespeare/ Bloomsbury), available from 24 April 2014 as eprint and from 19 June as Hardback.
Date: Thursday, 24 April 2014
New publication by Professor David Stifter
Professor David Stifter has co-edited, with Dr Elisa Roma (University of Pavia), a collection of essays on Old Irish linguistics.
Date: Monday, 14 April 2014
Dr Moynagh Sullivan at TEDx Fulbright Dublin
Dr Moynagh Sullivan, from the Department of English, gave a TEDx talk at a TEDx and Fulbright event at Smock Alley on Saturday, 5th April.
Date: Saturday, 05 April 2014
1014 retold
Dr Muireann Ní Bhrolcháin involved in online project for anniversary of Battle of Clontarf.
Date: Friday, 04 April 2014