Irish Sound Science Technology Association Conference
Irish Sound Science Technology Association Conference theme is Audio Fabrics: Socio-Sonic Textures in the real world.
Date: Thursday, 28 August 2014
Teagascóir Gaeilge ag teastáil i bPáras
Fáiltíonn Ionad na dTeangacha, Ollscoil na hÉireann Má Nuad, roimh iarratais ar an bpost seo a leanas: Teagascóir Gaeilge (Páirtaimseartha) i gColáiste na nGael, Páras ó dheireadh Mheán Fómhair 2014 go Meitheamh 2015 (10 mí).
Date: Thursday, 28 August 2014
Dr Moynagh Sullivan addresses the Merriman Summer School
Dr Moynagh Sullivan gave a talk entitled “Undressing My Mother”: Rethinking Irish motherhood at the Merriman Summer School.
Date: Saturday, 16 August 2014
New Publication 'Scholastic Florence: Moral Psychology in the "Quattrocento"' by Dr Amos Edelheit
The Department of Philosophy is pleased to announce a new publication by Dr Amos Edelheit, 'Scholastic Florence: Moral Psychology in the "Quattrocento"' (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History (Book 230)), available as Hardback.
Date: Friday, 15 August 2014
Research meeting on the Church in early medieval Ireland
Dr Elizabeth Boyle is hosting a research meeting for a British Academy-funded project at the University of Cambridge.
Date: Monday, 11 August 2014
Láithreán Gréasáin Nua TEG Ag Teacht
Coinnigh súil amach le haghaidh láithreán gréasáin nua TEG a bheas ag teacht chugat mí Mheán Fómhair 2014.
Date: Friday, 08 August 2014
Consultation Day
Sean Ghaeilge - Information for students who want to have consultation about their results for 2013/4
Date: Monday, 30 June 2014
Tá an Dioplóma Iarchéime san Aistriúchán agus san Eagarthóireacht ag glacadh le hiarratais anois. Is cúrsa é seo do dhaoine atá ag iarraidh barr feabhais a chur ar a gcuid scileanna teanga agus cáilíocht ghairmiúil a bhaint amach.
Date: Wednesday, 18 June 2014
2014 Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes in Europe
From 15th-17th June 2014 UCD hosted the Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes in Europe. Maynooth University Confucius Classroom in the Language Centre was represented at the event.
Date: Monday, 16 June 2014
Northern Ireland photography book wins Irish-American prize
Northern Ireland: 30 Years of Photography by Dr Colin Graham, Department of English and curator of the Illuminations Gallery at Maynooth University has been awarded the 2014 Michael J. Durkan Prize for Books on Language and Culture by the American Conference for Irish Studies (ACIS).
Date: Thursday, 12 June 2014