Maynooth University Department of Education and the PDST at Féilte!

Dr. Marie Clynes, Dr Thomas Walsh and Ms Angela Rickard at Féilte
Wednesday, October 7, 2015 - 16:15

On Saturday October 5th, Angela Rickard and Thomas Walsh of Maynooth University and Marie Clynes of the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) delivered a poster presentation on Team Teaching at the Teaching Council’s Féilte conference. The poster marked the culmination of a research project undertaken with Professional Master of Education (PME) student teachers and their co-operating teachers in partner schools in spring 2015. A series of workshops and a seminar were organised to explore various models of team teaching, to discuss their concerns in relation to team teaching, to plan a lesson or series of lessons to be team taught and to reflect on a team teaching experience. Further information on the workshops and seminar is available at   
Following the success of the pilot project, the initiative is being extended to all Year 2 PME students in 2015-16 as well as the partner schools in which they are undertaking their placement. Watch this space!