Online Learning: Student Supports 2020-21

It’s not uncommon to feel initial anxious about a shift to online learning. The first thing to remember is to think of each class as a learning community, in which the instructor and students share a common goal and support one another to achieve it. This also means recognizing that we are more than just ‘students’ or ‘instructors’--we are people living through a pandemic and all that entails.  See and understand that others’ circumstances are as complex as your own. 

In terms of specific supports, the University has scaled up our electronic and off-campus supports for students.  A good place to start is our Top 10 Online Learning Hints and Tips, a social media resource developed as a collaboration between our educational development staff and Maynooth Students’ Union.
Also check out this Back to College Buyer’s Guide and these tips for Effective Learning During Covid-19. Further student support posts will be posted to the EDTL Instagram on an ongoing basis.

Here are some Tips for Online exams and Assessments.  

On September 23 at 11.00 we will host a Student Roundtable on Blended/Online Learning: Strategies for Success where Maynooth University students who participated in Critical Skills last year will offer advice to incoming students on how to navigate and manage online learning. Keep an eye on this page for further details.

There is also a free, open online course offered by DCU called A Digital Edge: Essentials for the Online Learner on FutureLearn which is now accepting registrations from all University students:
MOODLE: Moodle is MU’s Virtual Learning Environment. It is an online space where students and staff interact with each other and where you can access course resources, activities and assignments.

There are a range of supports to help you get started with Moodle. You can begin by viewing our introductory Moodle Video Guides, which are available from the Centre for Teaching and Learning website. In addition, the Moodle Help for Students resource page in Moodle includes online guides to support you in using Moodle. The Moodle Support Helpdesk is also available to answer your queries in relation to Moodle. You can contact the Moodle Support team by emailing [email protected].
Remember, you can always contact the new MU Student Help Desk, which serves as a one-stop for student advice and supports.