*New* NUI Certificate in Digital Creativity in Youth Settings - Level 8

Monday, October 23, 2017 - 14:30

The Certificate is designed for youth workers and educators who wish to develop a specialism in the emerging fields of digital creativity in youth settings, using technology as a tool to enhance learning activities for young people. 
The programme is structured around 100 hours of tuition delivered in two to three day blocks to facilitate people who are working and need to travel to attend. 

Application Deadline: Wednesday 15th November 2017
Applicants must be 21 years or over by 1st January 2018.

How To Apply?
Download Certificate Brochure  Certificate Brochure
Complete Application Form  Application Form
Submit Application by deadline Wednesday 15th November 2017
Phone/online interviews will take place the week of 20th November 2017
Places confirmed from the week of 27th November 2017

For More Information: 
Get in touch by email [email protected] or call Clare on +353 1 652 2667
TechSpace http://www.techspace.ie/