
Lined piece of paper with triangles drawn on it and a red rubber, a biro and a calculator sitting on top of it

MU study reveals impact of homework on student achievement

Researchers at Maynooth University’s Hamilton Institute and Department of Mathematics and Statistics have unveiled significant findings on the role of homework in student achievement.

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Jim Madden - GPA Leadership 2019 Maynooth University

Future Leaders from Jim Madden GPA Leadership Programme Celebrated at Maynooth University

Tá ríméad ar Ollscoil Mhá Nuad comhghairdeas a ghabháil le 24 sár-imreoir idirchontae CLG a bhain an Clár Ceannaireachta CIG Jim Madden amach ag searmanas speisialta.

Monday, 28 January 2019

Picture of the english language sign on the front of the library

MU welcomes DES announcement on third level infrastructure announcement

Statement from Maynooth University President, Professor Philip Nolan, on Friday’s announcement by Minister Joe McHugh TD and Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD on the Higher Education Strategic Infrastructure Fund

Friday, 11 January 2019

Maynooth University oceanographer Dr Gerard McCarthy leads €2 million climate change project funded by Marine Institute

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Minister Creed T.D. has welcomed the announcement of €2 million in funding from the Marine Institute and the European Regional Development Fund for a major project on Atlantic climate change led by Dr Gerard McCarthy of the ICARUS Climate Research Centre and Department of Geography at Maynooth University.

Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Dr Karen English awarded IRC Early-Career Researcher of the Year

Tá ríméad ar Ollscoil Mhá Nuad comhghairdeas a ghabháil leis an Dr Karen English as Gradam Thaighdeoir Go Luath sa Ghairm na Bliana a bhuachaint ón gComhairle um Thaighde in Éirinn.

Thursday, 06 December 2018

Kath Browne - Maynooth University

Maynooth University Prof Kath Browne awarded prestigious ERC grant

Maynooth University is delighted to congratulate Professor Kath Browne on her European Research Council (ERC) funding award of almost €2 million for her project on sexual and gender rights and equalities.

Tuesday, 04 December 2018

Award-winning journalist Robert Fisk delivers Lt Gen Dermot Earley Lecture hosted by the Irish Defence Forces and Maynooth University

Renowned Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk was in Dublin last night to present this year’s Lieutenant General Dermot Earley Lecture on the topic ‘The Middle East: Who built those bloody frontiers and why?’

Thursday, 29 November 2018

International climatologists and second-level students discuss how to tackle global warming at ICARUS event

A visit to Dublin by international climate change experts this week proved educational for Irish transition year students who participated in a special event organised by Maynooth University climatologist Prof Peter Thorne.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Maynooth University strengthens academic links with Japan by launching new joint Economics Degree

Maynooth University’s partnership with Nihon University in Tokyo has taken an important step forward this week with the signing of a dual degree in economics.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Maynooth University develops first public online platform to track gender composition of staff and students in third level institutions

Tá Ollscoil Mhá Nuad ag obair ar an gcéad chlár eolais ar chomhionannas inscne ar fáil don phobal a fhorbairt chun go mbeadh an deis ag úsáideoirí comparáid a dhéanamh ar an gcomhdhéanamh de bhaill foirne agus de mhic léinn sna hinstitiúidí tríú leibhéal éagsúla.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Maynooth University report on Gaeltacht areas launched at Oireachtas Na Samhna Festival in Killarney

Seoladh tuarascáil nua leis an Ionad Breathnaithe um Thaighde Uile-Éireann (AIRO) de chuid Ollscoil Mhá Nuad inniu ag an Seanadóir Pádraig Ó Céidigh. Is iad príomhchuspóirí na tuarascála ná tacaíocht a thabhairt chun ceantair Ghaeltachta a fhorbairt agus saolta na ndaoine ina gcónaí sna ceantair seo a fheabhsú.

Friday, 02 November 2018
