An Tasice Assessment Report on MGC Green Flag Application

An Tasice Assessment Report on MGC Green Flag Application
Wednesday, May 23, 2018 - 10:00

Maynooth Green Campus is a partnership of Maynooth University, St Patrick’s College Maynooth and Trócaire, and have been awarded the Green Flag for achievements in all five thematic areas – Biodiversity, Energy Management, Sustainable Travel and Transport, Waste Management, Water Conservation and our own adopted theme of Climate Justice.  

An Taisce visited campus in April to assess the activities and work done by MGC over the past few years. The outcome of the Assessment and subsequent award of Green Flag status is available in the  An Taisce Assessment Report of MGC  
Congratulations to the MGC teams, especially the Chairs of each thematic area, for the personal commitment and effort invested in MGC. 
Special thanks to Joe Larragy and Dorena Bishop for their tireless work on behalf of MGC.
Special thanks to Prof John Sweeney for his contribution to the Green Flag campus application.
Without all of these people MGC would not have achieved the Green Flag Award.


An Taisce group walkabout on campus as part of the Green Flag assessment process.
An Tasice group taking a tour of campus

Students taking part in the WoW Bags initiative - part of the MGC activities

Lar Byrne sharing an initiative of the MGC Sustainable Travel & Transport Group