The abstract, the paper and its presentation should be in English. Simultaneous translation will not be available in plenary sessions. However, where possible, in line with the ESREA language policy, efforts will be made to provide some translation in the parallel sessions. Please bear in mind when presenting a paper that you are speaking to an international audience, the majority of whom may not be familiar with your own country let alone its adult educational system. Please avoid the use of acronyms and do not use expressions which relate to your adult educational system/learning setting without providing a contextual explanation. 

The abstract, the paper and its presentation should be in English. Simultaneous translation will not be available in plenary sessions. However, where possible, in line with the ESREA language policy, efforts will be made to provide some translation in the parallel sessions. Please bear in mind when presenting a paper that you are speaking to an international audience, the majority of whom may not be familiar with your own country let alone its adult educational system. Please avoid the use of acronyms and do not use expressions which relate to your adult educational system/learning setting without providing a contextual explanation.