The Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School returns to Dublin in 2019

Once again, the Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School course returns to Ireland. PON Global, has proven to be a very popular and cutting-edge event in Dublin.

In December 2018 thirty participants travelled to the Castleknock Hotel in Dublin to embark on a journey to enhance their negotiation skills. The scope of sectors and professions represented at the event further reinforces the universal importance of negotiation as a key driver in both the public and private sectors.

The intensive three day PON Global course intends to mould participants into value creating negotiators through a combination of theory and practice delivered by PON faculty, real life Harvard case studies, dynamic negotiation exercises, and videoconferences with faculty at Harvard.

The venue is  the Castleknock hotel in Dublin on the 4th-6th of December. PON Global Brochure -- Dublin 2019


Participants who attended the PON Global – Dublin course in 2018 testify to its career enhancing value.

“I found PON invaluable in augmenting my previous experience in negotiations.  The programme, through comprehensive academic input from experts and simulation exercises, provides a clear template upon which to prepare for and conduct negotiations. Overall, this course helps to sharpen negotiation skills which are an essential tool in all forms of business today”.
Terry McNamara – Regional Director at IBEC

"This course is thought-provoking and expertly delivered by intelligent and engaging lecturers. Participating in this course has allowed me to gain effective negotiation tools that I can use every day to develop meaningful relationships and create value in a variety of contexts. By working with many other executives on the course it allowed me to put the course learnings into action through scenarios and role plays. I would highly recommend this course....’’
Paul Flynn- CEO of Gaelic Players Association
‘’I found the course, run by the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School and the Edward M. Kennedy Institute at Maynooth University, both engaging and practical. Using an analogy of a coat hanger and clothes, the course gave me a frame on which to hang career experiences and new learnings. The unique learning experience was further enriched through the participation of a diverse set of peers, sharing similar challenges and perspectives. A key highlight for me was access to the faculty of negotiation at Harvard to test concepts, share some real business experiences, and get the benefit of expert insight.’’
Derek Tierney – Department of the Taoiseach

Don’t miss out on your chance to participate in this unique event and contact us at [email protected]  or register here to reserve your place today!