Maynooth University Department of Education
Migrant Students at risk of being left behind by Irish policymakers
According to the most recent OECD report, 10% of students in primary schools and about 8% of students in post-primary schools have immigrant backgrounds. They are at risk of being left behind if no action is taken by Irish education policymakers.
Date: Monday, 05 June 2017
New Course: Doctor of Education with specialisms in teacher education and educational leadership
Maynooth University Department of Education is offering a Doctor of Education with specialisms in teacher education and educational leadership, commencing in September 2017.
Date: Thursday, 11 May 2017
Maynooth University Department of Education Newsletter Issue 4 - passionate about all things educational!
Education News Issue 4
Date: Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Collaborate to Design for Change
Collaborate to Design for Change: On February 28th BScEd students got to present their learning at the Co-Lab Conference in Dublin Castle.
Date: Tuesday, 28 February 2017
Team Teaching National Seminar, 13th February 2017
The 3rd national team teaching seminar was co-hosted by the Department of Education Maynooth University and the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST) in Maynooth on Monday 13th February 2017.
Date: Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Maynooth University Department of Education Newsletter Issue 3 - passionate about all things educational!
Maynooth University Department of Education Newsletter- passionate about all things educational!
Date: Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Closing Dates for Education Department Courses Corrected
Apologies, some of the closing dates for our courses were advertised incorrectly last week. Please note that our website has been updated and the correct closing dates are now showing.
Date: Monday, 21 November 2016
The philosophies guiding education: Why student-teacher relationships matter most
The philosophies guiding education: Why student-teacher relationships matter most
Date: Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Sabina Higgins backs campaign for teaching philosophy in schools (
Sabina Higgins backs campaign for teaching philosophy in schools
Date: Tuesday, 06 September 2016
We need to trust teachers to take ownership of student assessment, say international experts
Chuala siad siúd a d’fhreastail ar an gceathrú Fóram bliantúil Oideachais de chuid Ollscoil Mhá Nuad ó bheirt saineolaithe idirnáisiúnta a deir gur cheart go mbeadh ról lárnach ag múinteoirí na hÉireann maidir le measúnú a dhéanamh ar dhaltaí an Teastais Shóisearaigh agus ar dhaltaí na hArdteistiméireachta.
Date: Friday, 24 June 2016