Maynooth University Capital Development
Eolas Building wins Construction Excellence Ireland Award 2016
The Eolas building recently won a prestigous 'Excellence in construction award Northern Ireland 2016' in a very tough category which included entries from both Northern Ireland and Great Britain. The aim of the competition is to promote excellence and to give recognition to those companies who are achieving the highest standards of construction. The entries were judged within fourteen award categories and the Eolas building won the overall top prize of the night for the best constructed building in both Northern Ireland and Great Britain. Congratulations to Tracey Brothers builders Ltd and the Campus Planning and Development office who managed the project.
Date: Monday, 07 November 2016
'Kite!' installed at Maynooth University
Tá an saothar ealaíne “kite”, saothar atá fiche troigh cearnaithe, ar taispeáint in Ollscoil Mhá Nuad anois.
Date: Friday, 13 May 2016
Education Hub
The Education Hub building expected to open September 2016
Date: Friday, 08 April 2016
New ATM location North Campus
Maynooth University have had a new ATM installed at the Student Centre on the North Campus.
Date: Tuesday, 07 October 2014
Sports Hall Extension complete
Our Sporthall extension is now complete, 620sq. m. extension on to the side of existing Sports Building containing a new multi functional hall, break-out teaching room and 5 associated storage rooms. This new facility is now in operation.
Date: Monday, 06 October 2014