Dr Ciara Bradley

Applied Social Studies, Motherhood Project

Associate Professor

Auxilia, North Campus, Maynooth University
Level 1 - Upper Ground Floor
(01) 708 3804


I am a community development worker, community work educator and social scientist with a commitment to equality, social justice and human rights and solidarity with all those facing inequality and injustice in all aspects of my practice: teaching, research and public engagement. 

I teach modules in groupwork, sociology, professional practice and development, equality and human rights, sociology and research methodologies from undergrad to doctoral level, as well as continuous professional development.

Research Interests

My research interests span three main areas:
  1. The intersection of structural inequalities and subjective experiences
  2. Research Methodologies for Social Justice including Participative research; Collaborative Research & Co-Production; Biographic Narrative Inquiry; Feminist Research Methodologies.
  3. Community Work Education: Professional formation and professional practice in Community and Youth Work including: Groupwork Practice for Community and Youth Work; Ethics and values in professional practice; the professional formation of gender conscious practitioners; Pedagogy of research for practitioners; Research methods in community work practice. Professional Narratives of Community Workers. 

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Bradley, C. (2024) 'Review of: Socially Just Practice in Groups: A Social Work Perspective'. Groupwork, 30 (3):56-58. [Link] https://doi.org/10.1921/gpwk.v30i3.2332
2023 Bradley, C. Gorman, J. Tierney, H (2023) '“A journey, not a destination”: Emerging Professional Identities of Community Work & Youth Work Students'. Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, (Special Issue). [Link]
2023 Bradley, C; Devlin, M; Brennan, P; Tierney, H; Reynolds, S; Crickley, A. (2023) 'Pedagogy as Praxis: Education and training in initial professional education for Community Workers and Youth Workers'. Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, (Special Issue). [Link]
2022 Gevorgianienė V.; Šumskienė E.; Bradley C. (2022) 'Still waters run deep: The invisible life of working mothers with disabilities in Lithuania'. Qualitative Social Work, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Bradley C.; Millar M. (2021) 'Persistent stigma despite social change: Experiences of stigma among single women who were pregnant or mothers in the republic of ireland 1996-2010'. FAMILIES, RELATIONSHIPS AND SOCIETIES, 10 (3):413-429. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Byrne A.; McGovern M.; Bradley C. (2017) 'New technologies and creative practices in teaching groupwork'. Groupwork, 27 (1):9-27. [Full-Text]
2012 Millar, M; Coen, L; Bradley, C; Rau, H (2012) '"Doing the Job as a Parent": Parenting Alone, Work, and Family Policy in Ireland'. Journal of Family Issues, 33 :29-51. [DOI] [Full-Text]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2024 Bradley, C.; Kavanagh, L. (2024) 'Challenging inequalities with critical biographical research methods' In: Biographical Research and New Social Architectures: Challenges and Opportunities for Creative Applications across Europe. [Link]
2024 Bradley, C.; Kavanagh, L. (2024) 'Epistemology, research design and social justice' In: Rights and Social Justice in Research: Advancing Methodologies for Social Change. [Link]
2024 McGarry, K.; Bradley, C.; Kirwan, G. (2024) 'Researching for social justice: An introduction' In: Rights and Social Justice in Research: Advancing Methodologies for Social Change. [Link]
2024 McGarry, K.; Bradley, C.; Kirwan, G. (2024) 'Concluding thoughts' In: Rights and Social Justice in Research: Advancing Methodologies for Social Change. [Link]
2024 McMahon, S.; Bradley, C.; Tierney, H. (2024) 'Using a social justice lens in research engagements for community work and youth work practice' In: Rights and Social Justice in Research: Advancing Methodologies for Social Change. Bristol : Bristol Policy Press. [Link]
2023 Bradley, C; Crickley, A; Murphy, E (2023) 'Community Work and Work in the Community' In: Applied Social Care: An Introduction for Students in Ireland. Dublin : IPA.
2018 Ciara Bradley (2018) 'The Construction of Teenage Parenting in the Republic of Ireland' In: Re/Assembling the Pregnant and Parenting Teenager Narratives from the Field(s). Switzerland : Peter Lang Publishing. [Link] https://doi.org/10.3726/b10545 [Full-Text]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2024 McGarry, K; Bradley, C; Kirwan, G (Ed.). (2024) Rights and social justice in research: Advancing methodologies for social change. Rights and Social Justice in Research: Advancing Methodologies for Social Change, Bristol: Policy Press, [Link]

Published Report

Year Publication
2023 Bradley, C; Kavanagh, L; O'Dowd, AM. (2023) Pavee Mothering during Covid-19. Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, .
2023 Bradley, C; Simonic, R; Paszkowska, V. Liston, J. (2023) Roma in Ireland: Access to Fair and Decent Work. Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, .
2021 Niamh Flanagan, Ciara Bradley & Gloria Kirwan (2021) A Culture of Feedback: Staff – Students – Peers. Centre for Teaching & Learning, Maynooth University, . [Link]
2010 Forkan, C., Canavan, J., Dolan, P., Bradley, C., Brady, B., Carty, C., Coen, L., Devaney, C., Kearns, N., Kenny, A., Merriman, B. and O’Regan, C. (2010) Youth Cafés in Ireland: A Best Practice Guide. The Stationary Office, .
2007 Michelle Millar, Liam Coen, Henrike Rau, Michaela Donegan, John Canavan, Ciara Bradley (2007) Towards a Better Future: Research on Labour Market Needs and Social Exclusion of One Parent Families in Galway City and County. UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, . [Link]

Co-edited Journal Issue

Year Publication
2019 Anastasia Crickley and Ciara Bradley (2019) International Association of Community Development Practice Insights from the World Community Development Conference 2018. [Co-edited Journal Issue] [Link]

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2023 Roundtable panellists: Ciara Bradley (Maynooth University), Catherine Conlon (Trinity College Dublin), Tanja Kovacic (University of Galway) Robert Hamm (Sligo Schools Project), Lisa Moran (SETU Waterford), Marta Eichstellar (University College Dublin) (2023) SAI Conference Disentangling the Meanings of Memory in Biographic Narrative Research: Critical Approaches to ‘Doing’ Memory Work in Everyday Life UCD Dublin, .
2022 Bradley, C.; O'Brien, A.; Šumskaitė, L.; Kačkutė-Hagan, E. Carbayo-Abengozar, M.; Wahlström-Henriksson, H.; Atėnė Mendelytė, A. (2022) Motherhood(s) On Screen: Global Perspectives Roundtable on Single Mothers on Screen: 21st-Century Representations Maynooth, Ireland, 30/09/2022-.
2022 Gevorgianiene, V., Sumskiene, E.; Bradley, C. (2022) Work Family Researchers’ Network Conference 2022 Still waters run deep: The invisible life of working mothers with disabilities in Lithuania New York, .
2022 Bradley, C; Kavanagh, L; Crickley, A. (2022) World Community Development Conference 2022: INCLUSION AS A GLOBAL CHALLENGE FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Research as Practice in Community Development? Georgia (online), 04/10/2022-.
2021 Lynsey Kavanagh, Ciara Bradley, Stephanie McDonald (2021) Motherhood & Work - Maynooth, Ireland (Virtual) Pavee Mothering during Covid-19 Maynooth, Ireland (Virtual), .
2021 Ciara Bradley, Hilary Tierney, Jamie Gorman (2021) What's The Story? Narrative in Youth Work and Youth Studies - Maynooth, Ireland (Virtual) “A journey, not a destination”: Emerging professional narratives of Community and Youth workers  Maynooth, Ireland (Virtual), .
2021 Ciara Bradley, Hilary Tierney, Jamie Gorman (2021) World Community Development Conference 2021 - Nairobi, Kenya (Virtual) “A journey, not a destination”: Emerging professional narratives of Community Workers  Nairobi, Kenya (Virtual), .
2020 Bradley, Ciara (2020) European Sociological Association Research Network 03 Biographical Perspectives on Europe in association with the Sociological Association of Ireland BNIM and Life Course Study Group Midterm Webinar Situating Stories: Using the 'Interpretive Panels' and the 'Four Foci Analytical Tool' in the Biographical Narrative Interpretive Method to better understand our interviews Online, .
2019 Ciara Bradley (2019) UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre 9th Biennial International Conference Meaningful Co-production in Research: Critical Questions NUI Galway, .
2019 Ciara Bradley (2019) 5th International Irish Narrative Inquiry Conference 2019 ‘Knowing Well and Knowing Responsibly’: Ethics and Accountability in the Research Process Trinity College Dublin, .
2019 Ciara Bradley (2019) World Community Development Conference 2019 Critical - Value Driven Learning for Community Development Practitioners Dundee, .
2018 Ciara Bradley (2018) World Community development Conference 2018 A Collective Pedagogy of Groupwork for Community Development Maynooth University, .
2016 Hilary Tierney, Ciara Bradley (2016) 3rd Irish Narrative Inquiry Conference 10-11 March 2016 'Stories 'r Us' ‘Knowing Well and Knowing Responsibly’ – Navigating Unreliability in Narrative Inquiry NUI Galway, .
2016 Ciara Bradley (2016) International Women’s Day 2016 Maynooth University Conference Gender & Diversity: Leadership ‘Using the new Standards in Community Work to further Gender Equality in Ireland’ Maynooth University, .
2015 Ciara Bradley (2015) Irish Narrative Inquiry Conference 2015 ‘Reflections on using the Biographic Narrative Interpretive Method’ Maynoothy University, .
2014 Ciara Bradley (2014) Sociological Association of Ireland Postgraduate Conference 2014, NUI Galway Exploring Stigma in Narrative with the Biographic Narrative Interpretive Method N.U.I. Galway, .
2014 Ciara Bradley, Oonagh McArdle, Anastasia Crickey (2014) Global Social Sciences Conference 2014 ‘Critical Community Work in Ireland 1970-2014’ Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, .
2014 Ciara Bradley (2014) Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference 2014 ‘The Reproduction of Stigma - Single women’s pregnancy and motherhood in Ireland’ Dublin Institute of Teachnology, Dublin, .
2010 Ciara Bradley (2010) Sibeil Postgraduate Conference ‘Representation of single mothers' in Irish Social Policy and Media’ Sibeil Postgraduate Conference, NUI Galway N.U.I. Galway, .
2008 Liam Coen, Ciara Bradley and Henrike Rau (2008) Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference ‘Doing the Job as a Single Parent’ N.U.I. Galway, .
2008 Ciara Bradley, Charlie Currie (2008) POBAL Conference ‘Galway One Parent Family Development Consortioum Model of Engagement’ Dublin, .


Year Publication
2021 Joe Curran, Ciara Bradley, Centre for Teaching and Learning and Student Feedback and Teaching Evaluation Initiative Team (2021) Embedding Student Partnership in Feedback Approaches. [Manual] [Link]
2012 Ciara Bradley (2012) BA Degree in Early Childhood Studies and Practice Year 3 Practice Research Project. [Manual]
2012 Ciara Bradley (2012) BA in Early Childhood Studies and Practice Year 3 Social Research Methodologies. Galway: [Manual]

Radio Presentation

Year Publication
2021 Bradley, C. (2021) Same-sex mothering in Ireland. Kildare: [Radio Presentation]
2021 Ciara Bradley (2021) Same-Sex Mothering in Ireland (Research Findings, Partnership with Rainbow Family Equality Network). [Radio Presentation]


Year Publication
2021 Dr Ciara Bradley DAPPSS MU; Dr. Róisín Ryan-Flood, University of Essex Director, Centre for Intimate and Sexual Citizenship (CISC); Professor Danielle Clarke, School of English, Drama and Film, UCD; Dr Ann Marie Hanlon; DKIT; AnneMarie Whelan Barrister and Founder of Rainbow Family Equality Network (2021) MotherNet 2021 Public Seminar: Same-Sex Mothering in Ireland (Research Findings, Partnership with Rainbow Family Equality Network). [Seminar]
2021 Etherington, Kim; Byrne, Anne; Moran, Lisa; Cronin, Joan; Bradley, Ciara (2021) Sociology Association of Ireland Study Group Biographic Narrative and Life Course Methods research discussion group: Evening with Prof Kim Etherington - Becoming a Narrative Inquirer. [Seminar]
2020 Wengraf, Tom; Bradley, Ciara; Moran, Lisa; Cronin, Joan (2020) Sociology Association of Ireland Study Group Biographic Narrative and Life Course Methods research discussion group:Introduction to Biographic Narrative Interpretive Methodology (BNIM 3). [Seminar]
2020 Byrne, Anne; Kovacic, Tanja; Prieto, Blanco; Patricia; Moran, Lisa; Cronin, Joan; Bradley, Ciara (2020) Sociology Association of Ireland Study Group Biographic Narrative and Life Course Methods research discussion group: 'Biographical Encounters with Biographical Objects?'. [Seminar]
2020 Irwin, Ann; Coombes, Tommy; McGinley, Edel; Crickley, Anastasia; O'Shea, Marianne; Bradley, Ciara; Taylor, Seamus (2020) United Nations Human Rights Day: Recover Better - Stand Up for Human Rights. [Seminar]
2016 Crickley, Anastasia; Bradley, Ciara; Fay, Ronnie; Irwin, Ann; Doyle, Rachel (2016) Community Work Summer School. [Seminar]
2013 McArdle, Oonagh; Bradley, Ciara (2013) Evaluating Outcomes in Community Development. [Seminar]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2024) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Sociology Association of Ireland Treasurer 01/08/2020 -
Community Work Ireland: Current member of the Climate Justice Working Group Member 01/09/2019 -
Community Work Ireland: Current member of the Central Group Member 01/08/2020 -
Sociology Association of Ireland Member 01/02/2010 -
Sociology Association of Ireland Study Group: Sociology for the Social Professions Member 01/09/2020 -
European Sociological Association Member 01/09/2020 -
Community Work Ireland Member 01/09/2007 -
Sociology Association of Ireland Study Group: Biographic Narrative & Life Course Study Group Group Co-convenor with Dr Lisa Moran and Dr Joan Cronin 01/09/2020 -

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
01/07/2008 Irish Social Sciences Platform PRTLI 4 Doctoral Scholarship Irish Social Sciences Platform
01/01/2020 CTL - Student Feedback and Teaching Evaluation (with Dr Niamh Flanagan and Dr Gloria Kirwan) National Forum for Teaching & Learning
01/01/2013 CTL Fellowship - Research for Practice (with Dr Hilary Tierney) Maynooth University
01/09/2007 UNESCO Child and Family Doctoral Scholarship UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre


Committee Function From / To
Maynooth University Academic Council Standing Committee Campus Life Faculty of Social Science Representative 01/10/2019 -
Maynooth University Academic Council Standing Committee International Education Faculty of Social Science Representative 01/10/2019 -
Maynooth University Social Justice Week Committee Chair 01/10/2019 -


Start date Institution Qualification Subject
NUI Galway Ph.D. Sociology
Maynooth University Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Teaching, Learning and Assessment Education
NUI Galway MA in Community Development Community Development
NUI Galway BA in Political Science and Sociology Political Science and Sociology

Other Activities

I act as a peer-reviewer in the evaluation of proposals for the European Commission Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions.

Outreach Activities

Organisation Type Description
Galway Traveller Movement Civic Society Galway Traveller Movement: Board Member 2010-2013
Association for the Improvement of Maternity Services Ireland Civic Society Association for the Improvement of Maternity Services Ireland Ordinary Committee Member 2016-2021
Youth Work Ireland Galway Civic Society Youth Work Ireland Galway Board Member 2005-2011

Teaching Interests

My teaching practice is underpinned by the values of community development, namely equality and social justice. I take a student centred approach and I believe strongly that the learning experience should be empowering. I am excited by teaching practice and employ a wide variety of creative methodologies in my classes.
I have a strong commitment to ongoing evaluation of my teaching and routinely engage with students to secure feedback on content and the teaching and learning approaches to support me to develop my teaching practice.

I contribute across the Department’s programmes from undergraduate to doctoral level in the social professions including our programmes in Community and Youth Work and Social Work and in Social Policy.

Recent Students

Graduation date Name Degree
2018 Lynsey Kavanagh Ph.D
2021 Thomas Coombes Doctor of Social Science