ALL members, Dr. Delia Ferri and Dr. Noelle Higgins of Maynooth Department of Law have been awarded funding of over €230,000 from the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. The Maynooth researchers’ work will be conducted as part of an international consortium led by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy). The consortium will receive €3.1million for the project, entitled Rethinking Digital Copyright Law for a Culturally Diverse, Accessible, Creative Europe (ReCreating Europe), and will include partners from Estonia, The Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, the UK and Denmark.
ReCreating Europe focuses on the influence of digitisation and the Digital Single Market on cultural diversity, access to culture and the creation of culture in Europe. The ultimate goal is to contribute to a regulatory framework that promotes culturally diverse production and optimises inclusive access and consumption. In ReCreating Europe, the focus is on five main groups of stakeholders: individual authors and performers, creative industries, cultural and heritage institutions, intermediaries, and end-users.
The Maynooth team led by Dr. Ferri and Dr. Higgins will conduct research on the legal and technological challenges faced by selected vulnerable end-users, such as people belonging to minority groups and people with disabilities, and evaluate the adequacy of existing EU regulatory responses to tackle such challenges.
Further Information:
(in Italian) https://www.facebook.com/scuolasuperioresantanna