We are delighted to be involved with the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research Training in Advanced Networks for Sustainable Societies; congratulations to ALL co-director and Maynooth University Department of Psychology lecturer Dr Deirdre Desmond.
The SFI Centre for Research Training in Advanced Networks for Sustainable Societiesis a partnership of Cork Institute of Technology, University College Cork, Maynooth University, Trinity College Dublin, Technological University Dublin, industry partners, public sector, NGOs, and an international network of collaborators. The CRT will train 120 doctoral students, the next generation of researchers seeking solutions to the technical and societal challenges of connectivity between large numbers of People and Things. Research supervisors at MU are drawn from STEM and Social Sciences disciplines, including Psychology, Electronic Engineering, the Hamilton Institute, Law, Mathematics and Statistics, and Sociology.

Pictured left to right: Prof. Dirk Pesch (UCC), Prof. Siobhan Clarke (TCD), Adrian Normanton (ublox), Dr Deirdre Desmond (MU), Prof Mark Fergusson (SFI), Prof. John Barrett (CIT), Keith Ellis (Intel Labs Europe), Prof. Max Ammann (TU Dublin)