Monday, November 13, 2017 - 10:00
The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) is an interdisciplinary scientific organisation, founded in 1964. IASSIDD is a non-governmental member of the World Health Organisation (WHO). IASSIDD promotes research and the exchange of information that will enhance the health and quality of life of people with disabilities and their families, and which will assist governments and service providers to develop policy and procedures based on scientific evidence.
Dr. John Owuor presented a paper: "Assistive Technology for independent living. Mefacilyta Desktop, a life skills app for inclusion of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities"
Some of Dr. Owuor's other work in this area includes:
Owuor, John, et al. "Does assistive technology contribute to social inclusion for people with intellectual disability? A systematic review protocol." BMJ Open 8.2 (2018): e017533.
Owuor, John, and Fiona Larkan. "Assistive Technology: Resource for Integrating care and social inclusion for people with intellectual disability." International Journal of Integrated Care 17.5 (2017).