3rd Edition
Jean Monnet Summer School
“Vulnerability and Human Rights in the European Union”
22 June – 29 June 2019
Maynooth University
Department of Law & Maynooth Centre for European and Eurasian Studies
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme
Delia Ferri, Coordinator of the Summer School is extremely pleased to announce, in cooperation with the Maynooth Centre for European and Eurasian Studies, the international Jean Monnet Summer School “The EU and Human Rights in a Time of Crisis ” which, this year, focuses on “Vulnerability and Human Rights in the European Union” . The summer school is part of the Jean Monnet Module "EU External Relations in Time of Crisis" (574714-EPP-1-2016-1-IE-EPPJMO-MODULE) co-funded under the Erasmus+ programme.
Building on the successful 2017 and 2018 programmes, this 3rd edition of the summer school will focus on groups that experience particular vulnerability due to structural inequalities. It will discuss EU legislation and policy whose inherent rationale is to counteract and mitigate vulnerability through special safeguards and measures to enable such groups to enjoy all their human rights to the full.
The summer school will take place at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, from June, 22 till June 29 2019. It will offer participants the unique opportunity to discuss emerging challenges faced by the EU. It will be open to post-graduate students (including prospective LLM students, wishing to enrol in a LLM course in Maynooth) as well as doctoral students and legal practitioners. It is also open to researchers and young professionals in law, political science and international and European studies, where an understanding of the impact of EU law is becoming essential.
We are absolutely thrilled to host outstanding academics and practitioners, and we very much look forward to an exciting week.
Please find attached the brochure and the programme. I would be most grateful for you to circulate this material to your own students.
To gather more information visit our page here: https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/international/short-term-programmes/eu-law-summer-school/jean-monnet-summer-school
Law Summer School 2019 Brochure Law Summer School 2019 Programme