Assisting Living and Learning (ALL) Institute's Co-Director Prof Mac MacLachlan, Department of Psychology accompanies Minister Anne Rabbitte, Minister of State for Disability in the Dept of Health & Dept of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to meeting at World Health Organisation (WHO) European headquarters to meet with Irish and WHO Officials. One of the actions arising from the meeting is that Prof MacLachlan will co-chair a WHO working group on rights-based leadership and governance in health and social services.
ALL Institute: Assisting Living & Learning
ToggleALL Co-Director Mac MacLachlan accompanies Minister Rabbitte to meeting at WHO European headquarters
Thursday, March 10, 2022 - 17:30
FreedomTech Assembly 2017
FreedomTech: A Passport to Inclusion. National Assembley.
Date: Thursday, 16 November 2017
ALL Member, Dr. John Owuor Presents at IASSIDD conference in Bangkok, Thailand
2017 IASSIDD 4th Asia-Pacific Regional Congress on Inclusiveness and Sustainable Development
Date: Monday, 13 November 2017
Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Mac MacLachlan, Director of the ALL Institute
Prof. Mac MacLachlan, Director of the ALL Institute gave his Inaugural Lecture on 23/10/17 in the John Hume Building at Maynooth University.
Date: Monday, 23 October 2017
ALL Member Fiona Lyddy Co-authors RIA Statement: Robotics and Personhood
Robotics and Personhood: Towards an Ethical Experience-Centred Design
Date: Saturday, 01 July 2017