Irish Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists (IAPO) are holding an Education Day focusing on enhancing clincian's abilities in the management of challenging clinical situations. Speakers on the day will be geared towards increasing awareness of each service users emotional welbeing aswell as their physical needs and also exploring proven methods to contribute positively to clinician and service user mental health.
Presenter Profile
Eddie Ward - Resource Officer, Suicide Prevention, HSE.
Dr. Deirdre Desmond - Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Co-Director of the Assisiting Living and Learning Institute at Maynooth University.
Peter Gohery - Director Embrace FARM - Support network for individuals affected by farm fatality or accident.
Enda Murphy - Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Assistant Program Director, GP Vocational Training Scheme, HSE North East Region.
More information
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