Academic Council

Academic Council, subject to review by the Governing Authority, controls the academic affairs of the University, including the curriculum of, and instruction and education provided by, the University.  It is chaired by the President, and includes Vice-Presidents, Deans, Associate Faculty Deans, Heads of established Schools and Departments, Directors of Research Institutes, the Assistant Registrar/Admissions Officer, the Librarian, up to four members of administrative and professional staff nominated by the President, and representatives of all grades of academic staff and students.  It is supported in its activities by a Committee/Board structure and by Faculties. 


Academic Council Membership 2022-2025


  • Professor Eeva Leinonen, President


  • Dr Tatiana Andreeva, Faculty of Social Sciences Representative
  • Dr Sarah Arnold, Media Studies
  • Ms Alex Balfe, MSU President (2023-24)
  • Dr Conrad Brunstrom, English
  • Professor Stephen Buckley, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Dr Niamh Cahill, Faculty of Science and Engineering Representative
  • Dr Antonio Cascelli, Music
  • Professor Linda Connolly, Director MU Social Sciences Institute
  • Dr Michael Cooke, Psychology
  • Professor Joseph Coughlan, Business
  • Ms Sian Cowman, MSU Doctoral Postgraduate Student Representative (2023-24)
  • Dr Michael Cronin, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Representative
  • Dr Pauline Cullen, Faculty of Social Sciences Representative
  • Professor Deirdre Desmond, Faculty of Science and Engineering Representative
  • Professor Terence Dooley, History
  • Dr Aedín Doris, Economics
  • Professor Michael Dunne, Philosophy
  • Mr Gavin Fanning, MSU Vice-President Education (2023-24)
  • Professor Ronan Farrell, Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Dr Camilla Fitzsimons, Adult & Community Education
  • Ms Niamh Fortune, Froebel: Primary and Early Childhood Education
  • Dr Edgar Galván, Faculty of Science and Engineering Representative
  • Dr Catherine Gander, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Representative
  • Professor Mary Gilmartin, Faculty of Social Sciences Representative
  • Dr Susi Gottlöber, Interim Dean of Teaching & Learning / Associate Dean of Teaching & Learning, Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
  • Dr Deborah Hayden, Early Irish (Sean-Ghaeilge)
  • Professor Frances Heaney, Faculty of Science and Engineering Representative
  • Professor Valerie Heffernan, Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • Professor Alison Hood, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
  • Dr Gemma Irvine, Vice-President Equality and Diversity (Administrative and Professional Staff nominated by the President)
  • Dr John Keating, Associate Dean of Teaching & Learning, Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Professor Gerry Lacey, Electronic Engineering
  • Professor Victor Lazzarini, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Representative
  • Dr Teresa Lee, Director of Quality
  • Dr Mary Leenane, Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
  • Professor Tobias Lock, Faculty of Social Sciences Representative
  • Professor Fiona Lyddy, Director of Graduate Research
  • Ms Niamh Lynch, Assistant Registrar Academic Administration (Administrative and Professional Staff nominated by the President)
  • Professor Marian Lyons, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Representative
  • Dr Iain Macdonald, Design Innovation
  • Dr Joanne Masterson, Faculty of Science and Engineering Representative
  • Dr Stephen McCarron, Geography
  • Mr Cathal McCauley, Librarian 
  • Professor Patrick McCole, Vice-President International
  • Ms Ita McGuigan, Assistant Registrar and Director of Admissions
  • Professor Peter McNamara, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences 
  • Dr Brian Melaugh, Faculty of Social Sciences Representative
  • Professor Audra Mockaitis, Associate Dean of Research, Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Dr Eoghan Moloney, Ancient Classics
  • Dr Aidan Mooney, Faculty of Science and Engineering Representative
  • Professor Paul Moynagh, Biology
  • Professor Rachel Msetfi, Vice-President Research and Innovation
  • Professor Aidan Mulkeen, Vice-President Academic, Registrar and Deputy President
  • Professor Mary Murphy, Sociology
  • Dr John Paul Newman, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Representative
  • Dr Tracey Ní Mhaonaigh, Nua-Ghaeilge (Modern Irish) 
  • An tOllamh Tríona Ní Shíocháin, School of Celtic Studies 
  • Dr Anne O'Brien, Associate Dean of Research, Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
  • Professor Thomas O'Connor, Director, MU Arts and Humanities Institute (Secretary)
  • Professor Seán Ó Riain, Faculty of Social Sciences Representative
  • Dr Créidhe O'Sullivan, Experimental Physics
  • Professor Fiona Palmer, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Representative
  • Professor Andrew Parnell, Faculty of Science and Engineering Representative; Director of MU Hamilton Institute 
  • Professor David Prendergast, Anthropology
  • Dr John Reynolds, Faculty of Social Sciences Representative
  • Professor Filipe Ribeiro de Meneses, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Representative
  • Professor Denise Rooney, Chemistry; Associate Dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Dr Fergus Ryan, Law and Criminology
  • Dr Olga Ryazanova, Associate Dean of Strategy and Governance, FSS
  • Dr Maija Salokangas, Education
  • Dr Helen Shaw, Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning, FSS
  • Professor Fintan Sheerin, Nursing
  • Dr Joost Slingerland, Theoretical Physics
  • Professor John Stephens, Faculty of Science and Engineering Representative
  • Dr Seamus Taylor, Applied Social Studies
  • Professor Tim Thompson, Vice-President Students & Learning
  • Professor Sharon Todd, Faculty of Social Sciences Representative
  • Dr Laura Watson, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Representative

Administrative Officers:

  • Ms Aoife O'Brien, Academic Council Officer
  • Ms Glenda McCormack, Senior Executive Assistant

Academic Council Documents:

 ​Academic Council Standing Orders and Standing Orders of the Standing Committees/Boards of the Academic Council ​

Meeting Dates 2024-2025:

  • 30 September 2024
  • 4 November 2024
  • 16 December 2024
  • 10 February 2025
  • 24 March 2025
  • 26 May 2025

All meetings take place at 2:00pm in the John Hume Boardroom