Dr Hilary Qualter

Lecturer / Assistant Professor
Dr Hilary Qualter is an assistant professor in Accounting at Maynooth University School of Business lecturing mainly in the area of taxation at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Having graduated with a B.Comm degree from National University of Ireland, Galway she completed her accountancy training with Deloitte. Prior to joining Maynooth University she spent a number of years working in practice and has extensive industry experience, specialising in the financial services sector.
She is a fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland and completed her PhD in tax policy development at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Her research interests focus on taxation as a social and institutional practice, from the perspectives and interaction of a range of stakeholders.
She is a council member of the Irish Accounting and Finance Association and acts as external examiner for TU Dublin.
Having graduated with a B.Comm degree from National University of Ireland, Galway she completed her accountancy training with Deloitte. Prior to joining Maynooth University she spent a number of years working in practice and has extensive industry experience, specialising in the financial services sector.
She is a fellow of Chartered Accountants Ireland and completed her PhD in tax policy development at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Her research interests focus on taxation as a social and institutional practice, from the perspectives and interaction of a range of stakeholders.
She is a council member of the Irish Accounting and Finance Association and acts as external examiner for TU Dublin.
Research Interests
Hilary's research interests focus on taxation as a social and institutional practice, from the perspectives and interaction of a range of stakeholders.
Conference Contribution
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Teaching Interests
Hilary teaches taxation to undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has designed of all taxation modules at Maynooth University School of Business, delivers modules that include corporation tax, income tax, capital gains tax, capital acquisitions tax , stamp duty, value added tax, and incorporates the theory of taxation across all modules.
At both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, the tax modules are aligned with requirements of the professional accounting bodies.
Her teaching philosophy is based around ensuring technical accuracy whilst contextualising tax theory and practice in an ever-changing environment.
Current taught modules:
Undergraduate AC207 Personal and Business Taxation
Postgraduate AC608 Advanced Taxation
At both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, the tax modules are aligned with requirements of the professional accounting bodies.
Her teaching philosophy is based around ensuring technical accuracy whilst contextualising tax theory and practice in an ever-changing environment.
Current taught modules:
Undergraduate AC207 Personal and Business Taxation
Postgraduate AC608 Advanced Taxation