Prof Gavan Titley

Media Studies

Gaeilge agus fáilte


(01) 708 6422


I am a Professor in the Department of Media Studies, where I have worked since 2005. 

My longstanding research interests and commitments are in the politics of race, racism and multiculturalism in European politics, and the generative role of media and communications in this politics.

In this field my most recent book is the The Anti-Racist Media Manifesto (2024) with Anamik Saha and Francesca Sobande, for Polity Press's Media Manifesto series.  

Previous books include Racism and Media (Sage Publications, 2019), The Crises of Multiculturalism: Racism in a Neoliberal Age, written with Alana Lentin (Zed Books 2011), the co-edited National Conversations: Cultural Diversity and Public Service Media (Intellect Books 2014) and After Charlie Hebdo: Terror, Racism, Free Speech (Zed Books 2017). 

I am currently interested in ideas and understandings of freedom of speech in a context of democratic crisis and communicative abundance. In exploring this theme I have published Is Free Speech Racist? (Polity Press, 2020) and I am currently working on a further book, What is Free Speech For? for Bristol University Press's new What Is It For? series. 

I am a PI on the EU Horizon Europe-funded project 'RESIST: Fostering Queer Feminist Intersectional Resistances Against Transnational Anti-Gender Politics' (2022 - 2026). 

I currently act as supervisor to two doctoral projects: Sian Cowman's (Hume Fellow Scholarship holder) study of the media construction and political consequences of the category of 'climate migration', and Conall Ó Fátharta's (Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship holder) study of processes and practices of journalistic framing in the public revelation of Church and State scandals 1990-2020. 

I am a Docent in Media and Communications at the Swedish School of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki. With Alana Lentin, I edit the book series Challenging Migration Studies (Rowman & Littlefield). I write occasionally for The Guardian (profile here)

In 2022 I was awarded the annual Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Celtic Studies and Philosophy Research Achievement Award, and was also the overall winner of the Maynooth University Research Achievement Award.  

Research Interests

My research is primarily focused on the study of racisms in Europe, with an emphasis on the transnational construction of public discourse, the production of racism in hybrid media systems, the politics of 'post-racial' public spheres, and discourses for the 'management of difference' in media and public life. I am also interested in the translation and adaptation of political philosophy in media and communications theory, and the status of mediated communications in social and political theory. More recently I have been researching institutional and actor understandings of free speech and 'hate speech' in connective media networks.


Year Publication
2024 Anamik Saha; Francesca Sobande; Gavan Titley (2024) The Anti-Racist Media Manifesto. Cambridge UK: Polity Press.
2020 Gavan Titley (2020) Is Free Speech Racist?. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. [Link]
2019 Gavan Titley (2019) Racism and Media. London: Sage Publications.
2011 Gavan Titley, Alana Lentin (2011) The Crises of Multiculturalism: Racism in a Neoliberal Age. London: Zed Books. [Link]
2010 Gavan Titley (2010) Broadcasting in the New Ireland: Mapping and Envisioning Cultural Diversity. Dublin: NUIM/BCI. [Full-Text]

Edited Book

Year Publication
2021 Nikunen K., M. Pantti, G Titley (Ed.). (2021) Nationalisms and Racisms on Digital Media: Special Issue of Television & New Media. London: Sage Publications, [Link]
2017 Gavan Titley, Des Freedman, Gholam Khiabany, Aurelien Mondon (Ed.). (2017) After Charlie Hebdo: Terror, Racism, Free Speech. London: Zed Books, [Link]
2014 Gavan Titley, Miyase Christensen (Ed.). (2014) Technology and Emancipation, special issue of Popular Communication. London: Taylor & Francis,
2014 Gavan Titley, Karina Horsti, Gunilla Húlten (Ed.). (2014) National Conversations? Public Service Broadcasting and Cultural Diversity. Bristol: Intellect Books, [Link]
2012 Gavan Titley, Alana Lentin (Ed.). (2012) Multicultural 'crisis' in Europe? Special issue of The European Journal of Cultural Studies. London: Sage Publications, [Full-Text]
2010 Gavan Titley, Mark Maguire (Ed.). (2010) Integration? Special issue of Translocations: Migration and Social Change. Dublin: DCU/UCD, [Full-Text]
2008 Gavan Titley, Alana Lentin (Ed.). (2008) The Politics of Diversity in Europe. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, [Link]
2004 Gavan Titley (Ed.). (2004) Resituating Culture. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, [Link]

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2022 Georgiou M.; Titley G. (2022) 'Publicness and commoning: Pandemic intersections and collective visions at times of crisis'. International Journal of Cultural Studies, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2021 Titley, G., A. Lentin (2021) 'Islamophobia, race and the attack on antiracism in France'. French Cultural Studies, 32 (3):296-310. [Link] [Full-Text]
2021 Titley, G; Nikunen, K; Pantti, M (2021) 'Shifting Formations, Formative Infrastructures: Nationalisms and Racisms in Media Circulation'. Television and New Media, 22 :103-111. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Titley G. (2020) 'Racism and media, in a moment of crisis and opportunity'. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43 (13):2386-2394. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Laaksonen, SM; Pantti, M; Titley, G (2020) 'Broadcasting the Movement and Branding Political Microcelebrities: Finnish Anti-Immigration Video Practices on YouTube'. Journal of Communication, 70 :171-194. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Gavan Titley (2020) 'Notes on the distribution of nationalist and racist discourse'. Journal of Multicultural Discourses, . [Link] [Full-Text]
2019 Pantti, M; Nelimarkka, M; Nikunen, K; Titley, G (2019) 'The meanings of racism: Public discourses about racism in Finnish news media and online discussion forums'. European Journal of Communication, 34 :503-519. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Titley G. (2019) 'Taboo news about Sweden: the transnational assemblage of a racialized spatial imaginary'. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 39 (11-12):1010-1023. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Browne H.; Coulter C.; Flynn R.; Hetherington V.; Titley G. (2018) '‘Pitstop of Death’: Irish newspaper coverage of Iraq war protests at Shannon airport*'. Irish Political Studies, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Colin Coulter, Harry Browne, Roddy Flynn, Vanessa Hetherington, Gavan Titley (2016) 'These people protesting might not be so strident if their own jobs were on the line’: Representations of the ‘economic consequences’ of opposition to the Iraq war in the Irish national press'. Media, War and Conflict, 9 (2):113-136. [Link] [Full-Text]
2016 Titley, G (2016) 'On Are we all postracial yet?'. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39 :2269-2277. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2015 Fenton, N; Titley, G (2015) 'Mourning and longing: Media studies learning to let go of liberal democracy'. European Journal of Communication, 30 :554-570. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Downey, J; Titley, G; Toynbee, J (2014) 'Ideology critique: the challenge for media studies'. Media, Culture and Society, 36 :878-887. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Titley, G. (2014) 'No apologies for cross-posting: European trans-media space and the digital circuitries of racism'. CROSSINGS: JOURNAL OF MIGRATION & CULTURE, Vol. 5 . [Full-Text]
2014 Titley G (2014) ''After the end of multiculturalism: public service media and integrationist imaginaries for the governance of difference''. GLOBAL MEDIA AND COMMUNCATION, 10 . [Full-Text]
2013 Titley, G (2013) 'Budgetjam! A communications intervention in the political-economic crisis in Ireland'. Journalism, 14 :292-306. [DOI]
2013 Titley, G. (2013) 'They called a war, and someone came: the communicative politics of Breivik’s ideoscape '. NORDIC JOURNAL OF MIGRATION RESEARCH, 3 . [Full-Text]
2012 Titley, G (2012) 'Getting integration right? Media transnationalism and domopolitics in Ireland'. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35 :817-833. [DOI]
2012 Titley G, A Lentin (2012) '‘The crisis of multiculturalism in Europe: mediated minarets, intolerable subjects''. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 15 :123-138. [Full-Text]
2011 Dr Gavan Titley (2011) 'Circuits of aversion: the transnational mediation of multicultural crisis'. IRISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGYJOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY, 19 :43-59. [Full-Text]
2010 Maguire, M. and Titley, G. (2010) 'The Body and Soul of Integration'. Translocations: Migration and Social Change, 6 :1-19. [Full-Text]
2008 Titley, G. (2008) 'Backlash! Just in Case: Political Correctness, Immigration and the Rise of Preactionary Discourse in Irish Public Debate'. 38 :94-110. [Full-Text]
2008 Titley, G. (2008) 'Youth, Intercultural Learning and Cultural Politics in Europe: Some Current Debates'. YOUTH STUDIES IRELAND, 3 . [Full-Text]
2008 Titley, G. (2008) 'Media transnationalism in Ireland: an examination of Polish media practices'. TRANSLOCATIONS: THE IRISH MIGRATION, RACE AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION REVIEW, 3 . [Full-Text]
2004 Titley, G. (2004) 'Everything Moves? Beyond Culture and Multiculturalism in Irish Public Discourse'. 31 . [Full-Text]
2003 Titley, G. (2003) 'The Nation as Location: Transnational Discussions of the Image of St Lucia'. JOURNAL OF THE FINNISH ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 2 .
2003 Newby, A and G. Titley (2003) 'The “War on Terror” and Non-Alignment'. Peace Review, 15 . [Full-Text]
2003 Titley G (2003) 'Cultivating Habitats of Meaning: Broadcasting and Interculturalism in Ireland'. Irish Communications Review, 8 . [Full-Text]
2001 Titley G (2001) ''Global Theory and Touristic Encounters'. Irish Communications Review, 7 . [Full-Text]

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2021 G. Titley (2021) 'Race & ethnicity studies and citizen media' In: The Routledge Encylopedia of Citizen Media. London : Routledge.
2020 Gavan Titley (2020) 'Racisms, Migration and Media: A Reflection on Mutable Understandings and Shifting ‘Problem Populations’' In: The Sage Handbook of Media and Migration. London UK : Sage Publications. [Link]
2014 G. Titley (2014) ''Migration'' In: The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Cambridge : Wiley Blackwell.
2018 Lentin, A; Titley, G (2018) ''Non, je ne serai jamais Charlie': Anti-Muslim Racism, Transnational Translation, and Left Anti-racisms' In: MUSLIMS, TRUST AND MULTICULTURALISM: NEW DIRECTIONS. BASINGSTOKE : PALGRAVE. [DOI]
2017 Gavan Titley (2017) 'Becoming symbolic: From Charlie Hebdo to 'Charlie Hebdo'' In: After Charlie Hebdo: Terror, Racism, Free Speech. London : Zed Books. [Link]
2015 Titley G. (2015) 'All aboard the migration nation' In: Ireland Under Austerity: Neoliberal Crisis, Neoliberal Solutions.
2014 Gavan Titley, Alana Lentin (2014) 'More Proof, If Proof Were Needed: Spectacles of Secular Insistence, Multicultural Failure, and the Contemporary Laundering of Racism' In: Rosi Braidotti et al(Eds.). The Postsecular Condition. : Palgrave Macmillan.
2014 Lentin, A; Titley, G (2014) 'More Proof, If Proof Were Needed: Spectacles of Secular Insistence, Multicultural Failure, and the Contemporary Laundering of Racism' In: TRANSFORMATIONS OF RELIGION AND THE PUBLIC SPHERE: POSTSECULAR PUBLICS. BASINGSTOKE : PALGRAVE.
2013 Kerr, A; King-O' Riain, R; Titley, G (2013) 'Transnational media networks and the 'migration nation'' In: MIGRATIONS: IRELAND IN A GLOBAL WORLD. MANCHESTER : MANCHESTER UNIV PRESS. [Full-Text]
2014 Titley G. (2014) 'Ireland, the ‘migration nation’: Public service media responses metween discourse and desire' In: National Conversations: Public Service Media and Cultural Diversity in Europe.
2014 Titley, G (2014) 'Ireland, the 'Migration Nation': Public Service Media Responses Between Discourse and Desire' In: NATIONAL CONVERSATIONS: PUBLIC SERVICE MEDIA AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN EUROPE. OXFORD : INTELLECT LTD.
2013 Cola M.; Nikunen K.; Dhoest A.; Titley G. (2013) '‘Lost in mainstreaming’?: Ethnic minority audiences for public and private television broadcasting' In: Audience Transformations: Shifting Audience Positions in Late Modernity. [DOI]
2012 Titley, G (2012) 'In the Discourse Laboratory: Migrant Media and the Politics of Migration' In: MEDIATING CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN A GLOBALIZED PUBLIC SPACE. BASINGSTOKE : PALGRAVE.
2014 Dr Gavan Titley (2014) '‘Ireland, the “migration nation”: public service media responses between discourse and desire’' In: Titley, Gavan, Karina Horsti & Gunilla Húlten(Eds.). National Conversations? Public Service Broadcasting and Cultural Diversity. London : Intellect Books.
2014 Dr Gavan Titley (2014) '‘Introduction: National conversations: public service media and cultural diversity in Europe’' In: Titley, Gavan, Karina Horsti & Gunilla Húlten(Eds.). National Conversations? Public Service Broadcasting and Cultural Diversity. London : Intellect Books.
2013 Dr Gavan Titley, Dr Aphra Kerr, Dr Rebecca King O'Riain (2013) 'Transnational media networks and the “Migration Nation”’' In: Mary Gilmartin & Allen White(Eds.). Migrations: Ireland in a Global World:. Manchester : Manchester University Press. [Full-Text]
2013 Dr Gavan Titley, Dr Alexander Dhoest, Dr Kaarina Nikunen, Dr Marta Cola (2013) '‘Lost in mainstreaming’? Ethnic minority audiences for public and private broadcasting'' In: Nico Carpentier, Kim Christian Schroder, Lawrie Hallett(Eds.). Audience Transformations: Shifting Audience Positions in Late Modernity. London : Routledge.
2012 Dr Gavan Titley (2012) '‘In the discourse laboratory: migrant media and the politics of migration’' In: Isabelle Rignoni, Eugenié Saitta(Eds.). Mediating Cultural Diversity in a Globalised Public Space. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
2012 Dr Gavan Titley (2012) '‘After the failed experiment: intercultural learning in a multicultural crisis’' In: Ohana, Yael & Hendrik Otten(Eds.). Where do You Stand? Intercultural Learning and Political Education in Contemporary Europe. Frankfurt : VS Verlag.
2011 Dr Gavan Titley, Dr Aphra Kerr (2011) '‘Here, there and everywhere: Polish media transnationalism’' In: Bryan Fanning, Ronaldo Munck(Eds.). Globalization, Migration and Social Transformation: Ireland in Europe and the World. Farnham : Ashgate.
2010 Titley, G (2010) 'Celtic, Christian and Cosmopolitan: ‘Migrants’ and the Mediation of Exceptional Globalisation' In: Ging, Debbie, Michael Cronin & Peadar Kirby(Eds.). Transforming Ireland: Challenges, Critiques, Resources. Manchester : Manchester University Press.
2009 Titley, G (2009) 'Pleasing the crisis: anxiety and recited multiculturalism in the European communicative space' In: Inka Salovaara Möring(Eds.). Manufacturing Europe: Spaces of Democracy, Diversity and Communication. Göteborg : Nordicom.
2008 Titley, G. and A. Lentin (2008) 'More Benetton than Barricades? The Politics of Diversity in Europe' In: G. Titley and A. Lentin(Eds.). Politics of Diversity in Europe. Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing.
2004 Titley, G (2004) 'Resituating Culture: an Introduction' In: Gavan Titley(Eds.). Resituating Culture. Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing.
2004 Titley, G (2004) 'Culture as Experience, Idea and Rhetoric' In: Lauritzen, Peter & Hendrik Otten(Eds.). Jugendarbeit und Jugendpolitik in Europa. Frankfurt : VS Verlag fur Sozialwissenschaften.
2004 Titley, G (2004) 'All Sights Reserved: All-Inclusive Resorts and the Imagined Caribbean' In: Sandra Courtman(Eds.). Beyond the Blood, the Beach and the Banana: New Directions in Caribbean Studies. Kingston : Ian Randle Publishers.
2003 Newby, A. and G. Titley (2003) '9-11 and the Death of Neutrality: Finland, Ireland and NATO' In: Kangaspuro, Markku & Teemu Matinpuro(Eds.). Suomi ja Nato: Eurooppalaisia näkökulmia sotilasliitosta (Finland and Nato: European Perspectives on Military Alignment). Helsinki : Like.
2000 Titley, G (2000) 'Irish Cultural Studies?' In: Mathews, P.J(Eds.). New Voices in Irish Criticism. Dublin : Four Courts Press.

Other Journal

Year Publication
2012 Maguire, M., M. Gilmartin & G. Titley (2012) 'Heart of Bourdieu: an interview with Loic Wacquant' Irish Journal of Anthropology, 15 . [Full-Text]
2012 Dr Gavan Titley (2012) '‘Turning TINA: Budgetjam! And the Irish political-economic crisis’' Global Civil Society Yearbook (LSE), 10 .
2010 Dr Gavan Titley (2010) 'Never ending, never open: Finnish ‘immigration debates’ in European context' Perspectives on European Security Yearbook 2010, 2 .
2009 Dr Gavan Titley et al (2009) ''What do we mean when we say integration? A discussion'' Irish Journal of Anthropology, 12 . [Full-Text]
2009 Dr Gavan Titley (2009) 'Meltdown makeover: TV3's The Apprentice' Irish Film and Television Review – 2008. Estudios Irlandeses: Journal of Irish Studies, 4 .

Book Review

Year Publication
2014 Gavan Titley (2014) 'Islamophobia and the politics of Empire'. [Book Review]
2013 Titley, G (2013) Sustainable Politics and the Crisis of the Peripheries: Ireland and Greece. LONDON: [Book Review] [DOI]
2013 Dr Gavan Titley (2013) 'Sustainable Politics and the Crises of the Peripheries: Ireland and Greece’. [Book Review]
2009 Dr Gavan Titley (2009) 'Seaview'. [Book Review]
2009 Dr Gavan Titley (2009) 'On Bryan Fannings New Guests of the Irish Nation. [Book Review]
2009 Gavan Titley (2009) ‘Projecting Migration: Trancultural Media Practice’. [Book Review]
2008 Dr Gavan Titley (2008) 'The BBC's Meet the Immigrants'. [Book Review]


Year Publication
2014 Christensen M.; Titley G. (2014) Technology and the Question of Empowerment. [Editorial] [DOI] [Full-Text]

Gov. Report or Document

Year Publication
2009 Dr Gavan Titley (2009) Agenda 2020: a consultative agenda for the future of European youth work. [Gov. Report or Document]
2004 Titley, G. (2004) Youth Policy Guidelines on Violence and Young People. [Gov. Report or Document]

Magazine Article

Year Publication
2013 Gavan Titley (2013) Debating immigration. [Magazine Article]
2013 Dr Gavan Titley, Prof Garbi Schmidt (2013) 'Når verdens øjne falder på Danmark – Krarup og oversættelsen af et verdensbillede'. [Magazine Article]
2012 Dr Gavan Titley (2012) Lämpimästi tervetuloa rasistiseen Suomeen. [Magazine Article]
2012 Gavan Titley (2012) The 'lessons' of Breivik. [Magazine Article]
2012 Dr Gavan Titley (2012) 'Multikulturalismens kris: Europas låtsasvän'. [Magazine Article]
2012 Gavan Titley (2012) The politics of the 'new racism'. [Magazine Article]
2012 Dr Gavan Titley (2012) Productivity, baby. [Magazine Article]
2012 Gavan Titley (2012) Reporting the crisis. [Magazine Article]
2011 Gavan Titley, Alana Lentin (2011) The crises of multiculturalism. [Magazine Article]
2011 Gavan Titley (2011) The emperor is a golfer not a fighter. [Magazine Article]
2011 Gavan Titley (2011) Are gypsies having sex with Britain's swans?. [Magazine Article]
2011 Dr Gavan Titley, Dr Alana Lentin (2011) 'In the mirror, through the looking glass. [Magazine Article]
2011 Dr Gavan Titley, Dr Alana Lentin (2011) 'In the mirror, through the looking glass, part 2'. [Magazine Article]
2011 Gavan Titley (2011) White noise, bleak hope: Irish media in the crisis. [Magazine Article]
2011 Gavan Titley (2011) The will of the people, approved by experts, adjusted for reality. [Magazine Article]
2011 Gavan Titley (2011) It ain't easy being blue. [Magazine Article]
2011 Gavan Titley (2011) Reflections on the maturation in Ireland. [Magazine Article]
2011 Gavan Titley (2011) Toxic triangles: Islamophobia in the media. [Magazine Article]

Newspaper Articles

Year Publication
2014 Gavan Titley (2014) 'Pork is the latest front in Europe's Culture Wars'. [Newspaper Articles]
2013 Gavan Titley (2013) After Woolwich: David Cameron's plan to 'drain the swamp'. [Newspaper Articles]
2013 Gavan Titley (2013) The moral panic over social media is a convenient distraction. [Newspaper Articles]
2013 Gavan Titley (2013) Social media has society in a panic: what does that tell us?. [Newspaper Articles]
2012 Gavan Titley, Ronit Lentin (2012) Ireland's treatment of asylum-seekers is unfair...and bad value for money. [Newspaper Articles]
2012 Gavan Titley, John O'Brennan (2012) Now it is Ireland's turn to reject the austerity fantasy. [Newspaper Articles]
2012 Gavan Titley, Alana Lentin (2012) Diane Abbott's tweet and the red herring of anti-white racism. [Newspaper Articles]
2012 Gavan Titley (2012) Asylum seekers in Ireland languish in the Magdalene laundries of our age. [Newspaper Articles]
2012 Gavan Titley, Alana Lentin (2012) Racism is still very much with us. So why don't we recognise it?. [Newspaper Articles]
2011 Gavan Titley, John O'Brennan (2011) Ireland has done what the IMF asked, so where is the reward?. [Newspaper Articles]
2011 Dr Gavan Titley (2011) 'Beyond the yin and yang of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil'. [Newspaper Articles]
2011 Gavan Titley, Alana Lentin (2011) Anders Behring Breivik had no legitimate grievance. [Newspaper Articles]
2011 Gavan Titley (2011) UCC's Nick Griffin invitation is a game - and fascism's the winner. [Newspaper Articles]
2011 Gavan Titley (2011) What really drives the Nick Griffin free speech drama. [Newspaper Articles]
2011 Gavan Titley, Costas Douzinas, David Wearing (2011) Austerity? There is an alternative. [Newspaper Articles]
2011 Gavan Titley (2011) David Norris failed, yet the 'nothing new' system failed too. [Newspaper Articles]

Technical Publication

Year Publication
2010 Dr Gavan Titley (2010) 'Ireland', in Protecting the News: Civil Society and the Media, report of the Carnegie UK Making Good Society. [Technical Publication] [Full-Text]
2004 Dr Gavan Titley (2004) Youth Work with Boys and Young Men as a Means to Preventing Violence in Everyday Life. [Technical Publication]
2002 Titley, G. and P. Merry (2002) Media Literacy and Image Education in Ireland, the Netherlands and the UK. Brussels: [Technical Publication]

Working Paper

Year Publication
2013 Dr Gavan Titley (2013) Policy research in times of austerity and populism. [Working Paper]
2011 Dr Gavan Titley (2011) Living, Learning, Acting for Human Rights. [Working Paper]
2005 Titley, G. (2005) Plastic, Political and Contingent: Intercultural Education and Non-formal Education in Europe. [Working Paper]


Year Publication
2007 Dr Gavan Titley et al (2007) Gender Matters! Gender-based Violence and Youth Work. [Other]
2005 Dr Gavan Titley (2005) Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover! The Living Library Organiser’s Guide. [Other]
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