Virtual participation: Zoom details available here
Speaker: Professor Tiziana Margaria, University of Limerick, Lero, Confirm, CRT-AI and HRI
Title: "The Digital Thread as Digital Transformation of Software-knit Ecosystems"
Abstract: End-to-end interoperability is a challenge in smart advanced ecosystems. With the Digital Thread concept, we show how to tackle it at the application layer, by connecting the various components using advanced low-code/no-code model-driven application development platforms. This approach is powerful, as it combines domain specific data and computations at a higher level, it is elegant, as it provides methods and techniques for systematic integration based on layered Domain-Specific Languages (DSL), and it is transformative of the traditional software development paradigms, as it supports co-design and co-development with a much wider circle of individuals, including many non-programmers. We will show how this approach concretely supports several SDGs on a few examples from ongoing smart manufacturing and healthcare-related projects.
Biography: Professor Tiziana Margaria is Chair of Software Systems at the Dept. of Computer Science and Information Systems at the University of Limerick. She has broad experience in the use of formal methods for high assurance systems, in particular concerning functional verification, reliability, and compliance of complex heterogeneous systems. Current application domains are to embedded systems, healthcare, and smart advanced manufacturing. She is Vicepresident of the Irish Computer Society and of IFIP WG10.5. She is a principal investigator of Lero, the Irish research centre on Software, Confirm, the Irish national Research Centre on Smart Manufacturing, of LDCRC, the Limerick Digital Cancer Research Centre, and co-director of the SFI Centre of Research Training in AI.